Hilarion: It's Time To Consider Each Of Your Decisions And Actions Carefully
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- Written by Tatyana Nicholaevna Mickushina

I AM Hilarion, the Chohan of the Fifth Ray, who has come to you. I have come today and I would like for each of you, when putting our Messages into practice, to make at least a fraction of the effort that we make when we come to give you the Messages.
Thus, I have come, and our meeting will take place thanks to the endless mercy of the Heavens. For the Heavens are ready to make great sacrifices in order to awaken the consciousness of mankind on Earth.
Do you think that the efforts that you make are enough in order for the great changes to occur in the physical plane? If so, I have come to persuade you otherwise. You do not make even one thousandth of the efforts that need to be made.
I am used to seeing individuals who come to me with severe illnesses and ask for a cure. I meet each of these individuals in the subtle plane and tell them in great detail about the causes of their illnesses. Only after the soul fully realizes that the disease has been caused entirely by misuse of the Divine energy and by the wrong actions that the individual performed throughout his or her entire life (even throughout many of his or her past incarnations), then together we conclude what is more reasonable for this soul: to get relief from the illness but stay in the current-life conditions or to make a transition, incarnate again, and use that opportunity to correct everything that has been done wrong.
On the level of your soul you always know that you can and should do much more than what you are doing. You suspect that many mistakes could have been avoided. Yet, you continue to run in the same vicious circle from incarnation to incarnation. Why? How long will you continue to make one mistake after another, and is it possible to put this series of unsuccessful incarnations and repeated mistakes to an end?
Indeed, it is possible. The Heavens are always glad to help you to break free from the vicious chain of mistakes and failures. Each of us, the Ascended Masters, is ready to come to help and render all assistance that is possible.
However, you ask for help in despair when a serious illness or misfortune is coming upon you. Yet, as soon as the negative energy that has surrounded you slightly weakens, you return to the same dangerous path that is leading you to a gorge of sufferings and miseries.
No matter how hard we try to call you toward mountain tops, you break loose and do it your way. If you saw yourselves and your actions from aside, you would be surprised at how irresponsibly you act. If, even for a fraction of a second, you could see the cause-and-effect relationship between your health or the miseries that are chasing you and the deeds that you perform and the negative states of consciousness that you produce from day to day, you would instantly feel the meaninglessness of your wandering in the darkness. You would make every effort to get to the path from where a clear view of the mountain top of the Divine consciousness is visible.
However, the karma that you have created at times does not even let you consider that you may be wrong. How can the entire society in which we live be wrong? you ask yourselves. Everybody else around you acts the same way. Everybody tries to make money in order to fulfill their desires and passions.
You should not pay attention to what surrounds you. You need to pay attention only to the inner orienting points. You should open the opportunity for yourselves to speak with your heart, with your Higher Self, and with your conscience and to act only in such a way as your inner voice is telling you to act in your lives because your Higher Self and even your soul always know how to act in each particular life situation. Yet, you prefer to blindly copy the examples that you see on television or in your immediate surroundings.
You need to understand that your society is sick. That is why you must isolate yourselves from the stereotypes that are present in your society.
In order for the infection not to spread to your body, you take certain measures and isolate yourself from a diseased person suffering from a contagious illness. I am telling you that your society is sick, and in order to save yourself and your family, you need to isolate yourself from the evil manifestations of the physical world.
Even by simply carelessly turning on the TV, you expose yourselves, and what is especially sad, you expose your children to the influence of not the best behavioral patterns. By doing so, you consciously, or not fully consciously, open the door to the astral plane through which evil spirits from the surrounding area run straight into your home because they are attracted by the similar vibrations that are brought into your world through television screens.
When you watch action movies, your home becomes filled with aggressive spirits that are craving blood. When you watch horror movies, you open the opportunity for even scarier beasts and monsters. If you like to watch pornographic films, you open the opportunity to crowds of spirits that feed on your base instincts and gratify your passions.
There is nothing in your world that would not cause consequences. Each action causes a consequence. Sometimes the consequences of your past poor actions become manifested in front of your eyes, while at other times these consequences wait for decades in order to become manifested at the time when you have already quit your bad habits and hobbies.
That is why you should never blame anyone. Think only how to protect yourself, your being, from wrong models. And when you make efforts and take one step after another in the right direction, not a single Master will refuse to help you. I will personally come to you and render the assistance that is possible to provide to you and your soul.
You should especially be concerned about your children. Give them the understanding that your world contains imperfections and that your world consists of a mixture of good and evil, light and darkness. In other words, your world is sick. You will be able to cure yourselves and your world only on your own, when you begin to follow those recommendations in your life that we give by making so much effort to come to your world and provide instruction.
I wish with all my heart for my Message today to instill wisdom in you to perform right actions and to make you think about those actions that you perform every day without thinking.
The time has come to be conscious about each of your actions and each of your deeds.
I AM Hilarion, with care for your souls.
Submitted to CrystalWind via Email For Re-Blogging.
© Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
In 2004 I was granted a Messenger’s Mantle of the Great White Brotherhood and received an opportunity to bring the Words of the Masters to people.
During the years 2005-2020 at certain periods of time I have been receiving Messages of the Ascended Masters in a special way.
I am very happy that with the help of many people the first Messages I received have been translated into English and the English-speaking readers can become familiar with them. The only thing the Ascended Masters want is to spread their Teaching throughout the world.
The Masters give their Messages with the feeling of great Love.
Love has no limits.
There are no boundaries between the hearts of people living in different countries, there are no boundaries between the worlds.
The boundaries exist only in the consciousness of people.
The Masters appeal through me to every man living on planet Earth
From Siberia with Love,
Tatyana Nicholaevna Mickushina
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