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Dynamic Duo of Kali Ma and Quan Yin


“We are walking through the sludge of anger and darkness AND we are walking in love and light. Both are serving a sacred purpose.” This is the message conveyed to me via two of my favorite Goddesses Kali Ma and Quan Yin.

I know, most of you probably run the other way when Kali Ma shows up surrounded by her circle of fire with eyes blazing. At the very least you wrinkle your nose and whine, “Do we really have to?” But anyone who has worked with Kali knows that won’t cut it with Her. She always shows up when our world needs to be tipped on it’s side, or burned to the ground depending on how bad things are or how long they’ve been going on.

I know this from my own experience. In my early days I was not so prone to listen to my inner guidance. At first it was whispered, then it was spoken out loud from somewhere within me. Signs and synchronicities would show up from the most unlikely places. If I still wasn’t responding, my life would go haywire and things started to go wrong. Still not getting with the program my Soul had written for me before I incarnated….. okay, how about this!!!! That’s when Kali Ma’s lightning strikes!

Indeed, Kali struck my computer with lightening and blew it to bits while I was living in Spain. When I asked why, she said we were done with the old life, there was nothing there of interest anymore. Including my email list and phone numbers? She told me those who were meant to find me would find me. Ta-da…living in a foreign country, new computer, new life, new friends. I only had to experience that once to realize, when change is in the air it doesn’t serve anyone to continue breathing the stale old stuff rather than savoring the fresh breath of new beginnings.

So, when Kali recently showed up in my living room I jumped! And then a broad smile of appreciation spread across my face when Quan Yin appeared right beside her. Kali Ma the great destroyer hand in hand with Quan Yin the goddess of grace and compassion. The perfect duo for our present times!

Kali Ma is known as the Hindu goddess of transformation, death and rebirth. But it is the death of the ego and the illusory self-centered view of reality that lays on the death bed. She is the goddess of liberation from all our attachments to the old illusions of life. She is simultaneously the annihilator and the creatrix of manifestation who assists in maintaining the balance of Universal order. She will push you beyond your comfort zone to find the innate power of your full potential, abiding by your Soul’s instructions to make space for your embodiment of the eternal I AM.

In the words of Kali:
“Life is in eternal expansion. Life changes and so must you. I walk before you in the wake of change. Pay attention, heed the warnings, see the signs, listen to your internal wisdom. These stirrings offer you the opportunity to flow with the natural cycles of the universe in grace, rather than allowing them to catch you by surprise amidst the chaos and pain that result from your attempts to overpower them. When you heed my call, by stepping away from the old and welcoming the new, you dispel the discordant energies and invite harmony to prevail in your world.”

Quan Yin is the Buddhist goddess of mercy and compassion, the ultimate bodhisattva in service to humanity to bring an end to suffering when we need her the most. She sits upon the lotus that has pushed its way up from the depth of the mud, the mucky mud we are now experiencing in these times of transition. She reminds us that we too can rise above the mud. Her grace allows these transitions to happen with more ease. Her compassion opens our hearts to more love, allowing us to hear and embrace the divine wisdom that resides within us.

In the words of Quan Yin:
“I am Quan Yin, the Goddess of compassion, she who opens your heart to embrace that which you think is beyond your capacity to love. Compassion is often misconstrued as sympathy or pity, which draws us more deeply into the stories of victimhood. But true compassion is quite the opposite. Compassion honors the sovereign right for each person to experience life according to their own soul’s journey. When we choose compassion we are free of judgement and there is no such thing as a victim, for both parties are playing a role in their soul’s growth. When we listen with the intent of truly hearing one another, compassion can find a place in our lives, giving birth to the unconditional love and acceptance of all human beings. That is the ultimate freedom that comes with compassion.”
So why have the Dynamic Duo showed up now?

Humanity is currently on a path of destroying ourselves unless the planet is tipped on its side, or burnt to the core. The stories we’ve been living have been repeated over and over and over again for eons of time. Kali Ma says, “NO MORE!” We are ready to move beyond the old stories. The computer that has stored them has gone up in smoke, dispelling all the illusions and the old identities we’ve held so dear. We now stand naked to face a new reality.

In steps Quan Yin. . . with her infinite love and compassion to bring an end to suffering for all those who are caught between the fray of endings and beginnings, those who have not awakened to the truth of who they are, and those who need a guiding light into their heart space where that truth resides. She offers us the sweet scent of the lotus that has courageously pushed its way up through the mud, reminding us that we are all preparing to blossom in our magnificence. During which she is offering an abundance of love and compassion to see us through.

As always, the Universe has scripted this with spectacular finesse. The dynamic duo, Kali Ma and Quan Yin are here in service to each and every one of us, fully supporting us while cheering us onward to live life spontaneously and courageously with love and compassion at our core.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~

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Sharon Lyn Shepard is a modern day mystic and visionary. Her mystical writings and music transcend our minds, expand our consciousness and awaken us to our innate divinity to celebrate life in all of its forms. Sharon lives “heaven on earth” and invites all of us to join her in embracing a new world of love, joy and harmony. Learn more about us @ www.sharonlynshepard.com
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