Thoth the Atlantean
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I am He who advances on the waves and workings of wisdom
I come on this day as you reach upward to longitudes of knowledge that seek an outlet, drawing the moisture of your wisdom into a place that has been parched like the Sahara desert. Coiling as a spring that pulses upward, then bounds out to places unknown and uncharted. I am He who advances on the waves and workings of wisdom that is held shadowed and veiled within the human being. I am He who unfolds himself into many atomic structures of the body. I represent all that is hidden within your thoughts, your heart and your motives. I am Thoth The Atlantean.
You shall dwell in the caverns of your own thoughts, of your own ideas of what peace shall be, of what love shall be, of what your future shall be. For as the ancient living scrolls that hold your Akashic history, you re-write the story of your existence. You compound what has been stretched and sought by the Light within, condensing it into a structure that is easy to house.
Your body and its energy systems represent a microcosm of the Great Pyramid of Giza. The Queen’s Chamber, in the center represents the human and divine heart. The King’s Chamber represents the third eye, Eye of Ra. The Invisible capstone, the Apex represents the crown chakra. Think of that divine pyramidal structure and all of its heavenly alignments and chambers of attunement.
In upcoming time there will be an initiatory surge of frequency within your own biology as well as the dormant hidden chambers within the Great Pyramid. There will be an opening of your High Heart, your Christed Heart. It will awaken as directed by an atomic cellular clock. As it awakens, the Chamber of the Son/Sun (Christ chamber in-between Kings and Queens chamber) within the Great Pyramid of Giza will also experience a molecular change.
The point within the center of your human heart awakens from a timed sleep and begins to know itself again. It is the place that holds the vibration of the 'Quantum Christ'. It is in this place that a stellar 'Second Coming' is activated. It is a sacred point, an opening, a chamber that houses wisdom. Wisdom goes beyond truth and you each are guardians of these 'Chambers of Wisdom'.
You of earth are guardians/ keepers of sacred encodings. They will open as a flower that has been in bud too long seeking to know itself as a flower. Your dreams of old have fallen off you like petals on a plucked rose they no longer serve who you are becoming. This new molecular instruction will allow new direction for your light. You will move naturally toward vibrations that instruct you into a different knowledge that serves the new shift in consciousness.
I, Thoth, come to awaken the heart. Your heart has gathered too much debris of your own making. You have scooted it to the back trying hard to keep it out of sight. As the Quantum Christ Is Awakened within your high heart and the Chamber of the Son/Sun is awakened within the Great Pyramid, you will be lifted above the gathering of earthly conflict, confusion, and debris. It is from this point that you will be able to dissolve the tears and the fears that have followed you in A shadow dance.
You No longer need sit in the shadow of what could have been. Energies and programming of old try to keep you hostage in a predictable way that no longer exists. Step out of time, and step in time, with what seeks your heart. The pictures of life do not reveal the whole puzzle. Celebrate the birth of the Quantum Christ within yourself and see from the top of your light what is possible. I am Thoth keeper of what is to come.
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