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The Elders: Positive Thinking: Your Secret to Success

The Elders: Positive Thinking: Your Secret to Success

Each day is a building block for the next.

Do you realize that positive thinking will change your life? Make it your goal to surpass yesterday’s accomplishments by connecting with positive thoughts today. Build even greater momentum to achieve just a little more from your day in this way.

Why would this make a difference? What benefits might your thoughts add to this equation? How would positive thinking allow you to accomplish more this day? Let's see ...

Positive Thinking Accomplishes More

Well, you see by moving to a mental space where you eliminate certain thinking and you move to focus on those things that exist from a positive vantage, you energetically shift to attract other similar thoughts. Focus on those thoughts that hold a more preferred positive advantage. Then, you draw other like-kind thoughts to you. Ones that you prefer. Draw similar or complementary energy to you in this way.

Now, thoughts that resonate with the other positive ones will start to appear. As you’ve introduced thoughts that align positively, others like them will enter into the mix of your day. In this way, more of their energetic kind will flow to you.

Focus on What You Want

Thus, if you look to accomplish something, by your focus, you can draw their vibrational and energetic equivalent. Those that move in sequence to reinforce the originating ones. You can more readily realize your manifestations in this way. You see, now you receive more from your newly postured intentions. This energy is preferred. It goes out into the Universe and returns to provide you with more of what is now desired.

If you are thinking in a positive way about how to accomplish this or that, more thoughts, complementary to these others pop into play. Those thoughts serve to buoy up all you seek to accomplish as they reinforce all you desire. This is quite a powerful thing to implement as you consider all it will offer. You see, this desired thing will grow in significance as you continue to engage with it in a positive way. You will positively grow, shift, and resonate accordingly. As you continue to deploy this line of thinking, the negative thoughts will lessen their grip on your reality.

What Do You Believe

When thoughts are centered around how you cannot accomplish something, you anchor that premise by your focus. If you believe something is too difficult, too time-intensive, or whatever self-limiting thought you choose, you make real what you believe to be true. Decide differently today. Choose to reinforce and grow what is wanted. Limit and ultimately eliminate negative thoughts. Restrict their entrance into your mind and eliminate them from your world.

You can easily enlist the type of life you wish to manifest. It is all about what you want and believe. You have a choice. You are the creator of where you reside in life today. As such, your life is as you desire it to be based upon the focus you keep. 

Where You Place Your Attention Is Key

Do you see what we wish to impart here? Where you place your attention, along with positive thoughts is the key. Realize this. Take each potential negative that you perceive, receive, and recast it. Reframe your thoughts and your day will follow the new lead you've decided to provide. When you align your thoughts with more positive thinking, then your day will mirror your positive beliefs and renewed focus.

If you've wondered why the day started out badly and how the rest of it presented you with more of the same, this is why. We say you can change your day and not follow a negative trajectory if you will only change how you perceive the day to be. Stay present to what is flowing into your mind and redirect unwanted negative thinking. Simply reframe these things now that you are aware of the thoughts you are keeping. Find the benefit in each thing that has appeared on your doorstep. Look at each in gratitude.

Take the initial first step of control as you recognize what is playing within the backdrop of your mind. If those thoughts aren’t happy ones, stop and exclaim, Isn’t that interesting, but I’d rather focus on this new, happier thought instead! And then just change it up. Think about something more desirable or something that makes you feel happy. Do you see how this works?

Will You Take The Challenge

That’s all there is to it. This can be a lofty goal as it only works when you remain aware of your thoughts. Become the awareness. Become aware of what is running in the loop of your mind. Can you see this as a personal challenge? Yet, you have never been one who shied away from a challenge, so here is our challenge to you. Take this one step of incremental improvement and see how quickly your goals can be realized. Your objectives can occur so fast that your head would spin.

Be the magnificent creator of your life experience. Fully embrace all that you already are. See yourself as accomplishing each thing as you are propelled into incredible outcomes. Engage and grow this process. It will move you into seeing results quicker than you thought possible.

Engage Now

Now, will you jump off the shoreline into the raging waters to see where you might be taken? How else will you ever know if you do not take the plunge?  BE Light. Be that which you already are internally now exposed. Stay aware as you rescript the dialog that plays within your mind. Seek to experience the limitless, all-accomplishing potential which exists when you allow more to be.

Written authorization from Robyn G. Locke, granting crystalwind.ca exclusive permission to republish her articles. © 2024. All rights reserved.

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Robyn G. Locke is an Energy Intuitive, Coach, Speaker, and Author who helps clients break negative patterns and find their true purpose. She bridges the physical and nonphysical worlds to offer purpose-driven self-healing books and workshops. The Elders, beings of Pure Consciousness and Infinite Awareness, communicate through Robyn to share insights that can change lives. They remind us of our true purpose and offer steps for healing and positive change. Source Here

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