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The Beings of Light: Being Still Opens Doorways to the Higher Realms

The Beings of Light: Being Still Opens Doorways to the Higher Realms

When you are still, even for a moment, you can connect with the higher aspects of your inner self.

Being still allos you to increase your Life Force energy. In doing so you can more easily connect with Beings of Light. They have always been there, observing you. You can become an observer too, a stargazer.

Life occurs within you and around you. You are made up of energy in constant motion, which extends outward to infinity from the single point you occupy in the Universe. Resonate with the vibration because it is your Soul Song. Hear it as it emanates from and resonates through your conscious awareness.

Be still and take part in the essence of continuation. Become one with the Divine, which is in you, as you. This is the true experience of being human. You are creating balance and moments of perfection.

Everything that exists, flows with the rhythm of life. You resonate with that rhythm. As you live, you breathe, your heart beats, your blood flows, and electrical impulses are generated throughout your physical and etheric bodies.

“Still, is still moving to me.” Jimmy Cliff

Become part of the splendor and grandeur of the Earth, the Solar System, the Universe, and beyond. Can you hear ancient voices echoing through your very being? They are part of you, and you are part of them.

Imagine the stillness of a tree. It is rooted in the ground, growing very slowly. It seems that the only action it gets, is when a breeze blows through it or a bird perches on its limb. In truth, the tree is very busy. Energy is flowing through it, the same way it flows through you. It is photosynthesizing Light and processing minerals and water from the Earth. Birds and insects interact with the tree, as well as occasionally even humans. Trees communicate with one another and with plants, through their roots systems. In fact, when all is said and done, a tree may even be busier than you are.

Do you see birds on the telephone wires? They are transmitters of spiritual energy. Notice them because a message is coming your way. Do they begin to chirp and squawk when you get nearby? Take note of when you see them. Does the breeze begin to blow when the vibrations of the Higher Realms penetrate your Light Body?

Even when you are still, so much is happening within you. You are connected to simultaneous lifetimes, other dimensions, and different worlds. You are also connected to places on Earth that you have visited, both physically and etherically. Other people are thinking of you, remembering conversations, sending you Love and Light. Those thoughts are being integrated into your Light Body by your Higher Self, without you even being conscious it is happening.

When you are still, energy flows more freely and processes occur without resistance. You become more sensitive and conscious of a finer vibration. This allows you to filter the influences that are coming your way. You can determine what you integrate into your Light Body, so that you maintain a more constant state of peace and Love. After all, that is the goal, is it not?

You are made up of the elements of the Earth and the stars. You are composed of the substance of all that is. It lives in every cell of your body, and in every atom of your spirit. You are an indispensable part of everything. Without you, the whole cannot exist. That is how important you are. Feel your core integrate with all of creation. There is no one and nothing more or less essential than you. You swim in the Cosmic Sea of the void, which is the storehouse of the materials of creation.

When you are still, you are positioned to be receptive, gentle, and allowing. You are balancing the feminine and masculine aspects of you, making them pliable. Moderation envelopes you and your Soul Song sounds. You are at peace, you are loving, and you are having a true human experience.

Now, be still, move your focus to your heart center. It is from there that your true thoughts generate. Only heart-centered thinking resonates with the New Era on Earth. Your feelings are your guide. No longer must you look to others for answers. All wisdom is within you. Your energy regulates automatically, in good and perfect time. All you must do is allow it to be so…

Brought through with Love and Light by Wendy Ann Zellea

A Message from the Higher Realms …
Brought through with Love and Light by Wendy Ann Zellea

Wendy Ann Zellea is an Ascension Messenger, Luminary, and Keeper of the Divine Principles of Grace. Her work, consisting of esoteric concepts, presented in a clear writing style, focuses on bringing through information, from the Higher Realms, through Archangel Metatron.
©️2023 Happy Awareness Publications
You may share this message, but please give credit to Wendy Ann Zellea at AscensionMessagesOfLight.com . This message, from Archangel Metatron, is channeled. It is written as intended. If you share, please do not change the content.

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