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New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Virgo September 13th, 2015


The New Beginning with this New Moon in Virgo on September 13th, 3:41am ADT and Partial Solar Eclipse is a Powerful Energetic Portal Leading up to and culminating with the Fall Equinox and 4th Blood Moon/Full Moon/Full Lunar Eclipse on September 27th, 2015 ( a Separate Post) ~ Prior to This Full Culmination on September 27th we have Mercury going Retrograde on September 17th lasting till October 9th.

A Solar Eclipse occurs when the Moon moves directly Between the Earth and the Sun, and its Shadow is cast upon the Earth. This Impacts Powerfully the consciousness of All. Solar Eclipses only take place during the Phase of the New Moon. A New Beginning.

The Deep impact on the Consciousness of All, within, will be Powerful. And the Huge Portal, Focus and New Beginning this New Moon in Virgo and Partial Solar Eclipse, is the Gateway as you enter The Culmination, that is, the 4th Blood Moon/Full Lunar Eclipse.

When we speak of Virgo it is often about improving physical conditions, such as health, daily lifestyle, goals etc. With this New Moon, Let us focus upon the Exalted Virgo~ The Alchemist. Taking the Higher energies of spirituality and Bringing them practically into the Body, into the Cells, into an Embodiment of Earth Reality that is in Full Union with the Divine.

What Better time than a New Moon/Solar Eclipse, to Catapult your New Beginning into an ACTUALIZED way of Being, that sets the stage, so to speak, for the GRAND Culmination on the Full Moon/4th Blood Moon/Lunar Eclipse, and of course then there is Wave X, which I am writing about in s Separate Post.

The Solar Eclipse impacts the Momentum of this New Moon in Virgo which through your OWN Self Awareness. MARKS the New Beginning, that takes you all the Way, through ALL that is Here Now and about to Unfold, before you as YOUR DESTINY, that is and always has been NOW.

Will you do this?

Will you Grasp the significance of this WITHIN YOU?

The Key word here is “WILL” will you? Are you WILLING your life and your consciousness into the EXISTENCE and Experience you desire fully right NOW?

Not later, not what is next.

Now! That is the KEY~ NOW. Will NOW, even this moment, you will be Attentive to all that arises within you, you will Love yourself NOW, you will be READY right NOW to receive your Destiny.

Right Now. Be Grateful Now, this Opens the Doorway to your Destiny. It is Unfolding NOW, it is HERE NOW. It is not in the awaited future timeline. And to LIVE in the NEW EARTH as a Transcended Reality that is free from suffering, you will need to DISSOLVE within you, the needy future mindset, that has been on the stage of Consciousness, that is LIMITATION itself.


Step into the New Earth NOW~ ready to Receive.

I hold you in this~ the NOW Heaven on Earth! Within You! Holding you in Eternal Love and Eternal Bliss, always!

Eternal Love and Bliss~ Dear Souls!


Here I Am ~ Here you Are ~ Here We Are ~And So it is!
Always Feeling You, Always with you in The Divine Sacred Light of All That Is!!!
L’Aura Pleiadian™
To listen to my Activations, Invocations, Frequency Transmissions and Light Language:

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