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Message from God: The Creator's Focus

Message from God: The Creator's Focus

Even the strongest people, the spiritual giants that you are, are now facing particularly challenging situations. So it is important to make sure that in times of restlessness and discord you take a bath in the love of God to relax and to look at life from the perspective of GOD.

Take two steps back when you are pushed forward, consciously walk slowly when someone urges you to hurry, stop purposefully when the whole herd is moving in one direction. Act according to your inner impulses and know: The heart knows what is right and good. All competence lies within yourself, there has never been orientation or wisdom among the masses.

The final cleaning

Tears that need to be cried, cry and then focus on life!

These days, man is freeing himself from the burdens of time. Everything is brought to the surface and it becomes apparent what caused restlessness, dissatisfaction and restlessness in the hidden corners of your soul. It is on this inner purification that the Creator now focuses.

Man is made new and is exposed to deep purification on all levels. This purification is the actual act of grace of God who I AM. Because what is now possible for the individual is truly unique since the beginning of time.

So do not close yourselves, but open your hearts to me. Even if you are confronted with issues that you thought you had left behind or redeemed, hold on and persevere!

This final cleansing has the depth and truthfulness it takes now for you to rise in your full power and leave the game behind.

When people talk about celestial phenomena or external interventions, when they wait for foreign gods or already worship them, when they tell you, "Look there and lo and behold!", do not pay attention to this, because it is of no meaning or value.

What directs you to the light of GOD, you receive from GOD, what advances you in life, you get through GOD – and what your spiritual journey entails, that is revealed to you by GOD.

God alone

No one but God alone, who I AM, is the one you are to rely on now, and no one but God alone is responsible for you now!

So be free from fear and tame your fears. When dark clouds of fog gather in the sky and when your heart narrows, go under my protection.

Put yourself in my care full of TRUST in God and LOVE of God and you will not suffer in body or spirit.

This time must be measured with all appearances and phenomena, even if they are often unpleasant and challenge you to your limits. It is important to face the phenomena of this epoch with the power of your consciousness, with devotion and wisdom.

God's Perspective

You are sheltered, you are protected, you are nourished by the nourishing love of GOD, but the nervous system of your body can experience stresses that go to the limit. At this point, it's time to stop and get in touch with God.

Even the strongest people, the spiritual giants that you are, are now facing particularly challenging situations. So it is important to make sure that in times of restlessness and discord you take a bath in the love of God to relax and to look at life from the perspective of GOD.

Take two steps back when you are pushed forward, consciously walk slowly when someone urges you to hurry, stop purposefully when the whole herd is moving in one direction. Act according to your inner impulses and know: The heart knows what is right and good.

All competence lies within yourself, there has never been orientation or wisdom among the masses.

The loners among many – those who live with people but do not allow themselves to be moved by people, those who are in the world and yet do not belong to this world – these are those who are now crossing the bridge into life.

So stay in the deep trust in God, because everyone and everything is taken care of!

Maintain inner peace and guard the flame of love – all the time!

Translation by CrystalWind.ca.


Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
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