Incredible Opportunity Ahead ~ Sananda
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- Written by AndEl

It is important that you understand what an amazing time period you are living through. This is the time period when all of your lives, your lessons, and growth achieved come into one final culmination. For those that have chosen to ascend this is your graduation time. What graduation means for each person will look and feel different. Yet, the premise for each soul is the same. It is during this lifetime that you will remove all that impedes you from embodying your soul on earth. It is in this beautiful merging that you will understand the reason for your incarnations on earth and everything that you have gained.
sAt this moment, the accelerated timeline is anchored into your world and this allows each of you access to it. With the approaching equinox, you each have the opportunity to leave behind the old and walk into the new. It is for this reason that so many of you have been experiencing deep releasing of the physical and emotional. It is coming forth for you to see it, feel it and choose to leave it in the past. While this may feel overwhelming and you may be at a loss on how to let go and move beyond what was, the answer is quite simple. When you are feeling burdened by your fears, your past, or your patterns, sit and ask your heart chakra to open to its fullest. Ask that you receive all the love that source has to offer and that this love help you to release all that is not stable within you. Allow this love to fill you completely and in doing so, show you the way. For there is only one way to the New Earth, only one path to Ascension and that is being and resonating with the same frequency of love that Source gives you. As you do this more and more, you will find that all else is trivial, all else is divisive, that the only truth is within this great feeling of unconditional love. This is not to say that there is only one path to feeling this source energy, for there are many and judgement of another’s path will only lead you away from your own.
We are asking that each of you suspend the beliefs on how you think this transition will be. As each of you are creating your own realities so too do you create your own limitations and disappointments. When you allow yourself to be in the flow of source energy, with all expectations removed, that is when you will be in amazement of all that will come to you. When you have created within your mind an acceptable version of reality, of how things should proceed, you may then take yourself from the flow of creation energies and experience disappointment. Allow all to unfold in its own timing with deep trust and patience.
It is the linear, analytical mind that envisions a path and how things should appear. Yet it is within the heart that true creation flows. Many feel deep frustration because they have a sense of where they should be and what they should be doing and with this glimmer of a potential future they create a plan. When things do not flow in that linear fashion they then go into fear and doubt, halting the flow. It is much easier for those that are feeling a calling to simply allow what will to unfold before them. They may take steps to obtain their vision but they must remain open to all that comes, in this way you are allowing yourself to be dazzled by the beauty of it all.
It is understanding that even if you are feeling stuck, unable to create change in your life, that indeed you are right where you are meant to be. It is in these moments of uncertainty that much is learned. It is in these moments that one truly understands what trusting in divine timing means. It is understanding that finding joy and peace within in all circumstances is walking the path of a master.
We ask you to not only let go of all the layers within that keep you from embodying your highest aspect fully, but that you let go of all expectations. This is how you will best utilize the energies that are streaming into your planet. These energies will change all, how much depends on each person. Yet, many will look back to this time as the catalyst that changed everything for your world.
It is a great honor that we are able to walk side by side with you on this journey.
Sananda of the Galactic Brotherhood.
Q & A with Sananda
Me: When you were talking about not limiting your path with expectations it brought to mind what happened with the purchase of my house. Once I finally decided to buy a house I received the information that it would be fall time frame when I would find the right house. I received it not only from my highest aspect, but from another intuitive soul as well. I was fine with that time frame. Three weeks later my husband came home with a business card for a house that needed repair. We went and met with the owner who then bankrolled the repairs, while my husband did the work. Once it was loan ready, we started the process of buying it. There were moments when I thought – this is the wrong house because this is April and the info I received was October. I decided to sit with the energy of the house and trusted that it was put in our path for a reason and went for it. I am so glad I did.
Sananda: Yes, when one trusts and allows you will find that you receive exactly what you need. It is the thinking that things must go in a 1, 2, 3, 4 sequence, not realizing that it is in the detour that what you really wanted is found.
Me: You said that the equinox will be a time that many are able to anchor in the accelerated timelines into their own lives. Is it the only time?
Sananda: No, the timeline is available whenever someone is ready for that push. However, the energies of the equinox and the wave of frequencies that many call the Third Wave of Ascension will help many more to anchor in the frequencies. It is an incredible opportunity.
Me: I am seeing where people had things going smooth and now they are falling apart. It has left many feeling lost, confused, and thinking they have taken steps backwards.
Sananda: Yes, many are feeling the great shift of a higher timeline as their higher selves are pushing them in different directions. For many this push to the new is only seen by the dissolving of the old that will no longer be viable in the higher timeline. It may feel uncomfortable, but that is because it is going through the filters of expectation. If one can see each change as positive, even when things appear to fall apart, it will allow the transition to be much smoother.
Me: There is so much information out there regarding the third wave and the higher dimensions. Some of the information contradicts itself. It can be overwhelming.
Sananda: When you are observing and taking in information from your heart space, you will be able to feel immediately what does not resonate within your being. Understand that what resonates for one may not resonate for another, it is up to each person to determine their truth.
Me: I was told by my guidance team that I allow too much into my reality, that I need to filter more. When I inquired what they meant, they explained that I allow too much in through social media (I don’t watch the news). I find that I am having a hard time balancing wanting to be socially conscious and limiting what I allow in.
Sananda: Yes, it is best for sensitive souls to limit their exposure. What you must understand is that if it is meant to be in your field it will be shown to you. For example you may be exposed to homeless or animals that are lost or stray needing assistance. These you can help, one being at a time. Do not underestimate what acts of kindness can do. Furthermore, you may go to the store and in conversation learn of a situation in your world that causes you to think. Understand that it is you who created this scenario, you who brought it into your energetic field for your growth. When information comes to you through your media, it allows too much in at once and this disrupts your balance within.
Me: That helps. My highest aspect explained that I already know that there are wars, terrorist, corruption, crime, rape, animal, environmental and child abuse so then why do I need to dive into them. That I needed to understand that I could send these groups healing and love from my open heart chakra and this would help greatly. However, if I read a story on animal abuse and then send love, it wouldn’t be at the same frequency because part of my heart chakra would have shut down. So I will send love and healing and do what I can with what is in front of me.
Sananda: You will find that this greatly reduces anxiety and fear allowing you to utilize the higher energies much easier.
Me: Many are really blown away by the physical symptoms. Some are tired, some wired and can’t sleep. Some are having chronic conditions flair up and some are experiencing weight gain. My scalp and face have been tingling with the energies. I am finding I am either totally exhausted or have tons of ideas coming. Dreams are intense too.
Sananda: This is all part of you physical form adjusting to the light codes that are coming into the earth. You will find that you are not experiencing as much discomfort as you once did and for a much shorter duration. Your body is accommodating the higher frequencies much easier.
Me: Yes, that is true. I was lying in bed, resting but my back and hips were hurting. I said out loud “I give my full permission for these energies to change every part of me” I felt this giant expansion and then the pain released from my back and hips. I didn’t even realize I had resistance.
Sananda: Yes, many have resistance they are unaware of on a conscious level just as many are unaware that giving permission helps to release it.
Me: I was working with Metatron and a client asked why the weight gain and he said that the weight gain is the body responding to one holding the soul more and more in form. That the body will regulate as long as we don’t attach to it.
Sananda: It is a physical manifestation of the expansion taking place within each person. When one attaches emotion to it, it shows where there is dissonance within to loving oneself in all states and shapes.
Me: Thank you, I have talked your ear off.
Sananda: It is my pleasure to assist you and others.
I hope that this channeling and questions help you to navigate these intense energies. It really is an amazing time and the potential for growth is huge. Thank you, Thank you to all who share this work, it is greatly appreciated. Sending you all Love.
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