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Get This Energy Update About The 11-11 Gateway From Adama of Telos Here


Adama of Telos:

"Greetings, Beloved Ones!

We are most joyous to connect with you here today and we send you our utmost Love from the heart of Telos!

We wish to share with you today, that you are approaching an important energetic portal:

The 11-11 Gateway of Ascension into the New Earth Reality.

This gateway opens fully on your November 11th, 2015 and you are already experiencing the foreshadowing of this important event.

You might have felt more moody or tired than usual. Some of you might have felt a little uneasy and ungrounded. This is all part of the shaking loose of energies, so you can leave them behind, as you are going through this important portal in your time line.


Dear Ones, you have the opportunity, at every moment of your experience, to either hold on to the 3rd Dimension or to connect with the 5th Dimension of the New Earth.

How do you do that?

In the 3rd Dimension:

When you are thinking thoughts that are less then love for yourself and others, you are holding on to the 3rd Dimension.

When you are experiencing situations that are less then pleasant and you allow these situations to be your reason for feeling less than love for yourself and others, then you are holding on to the 3rd Dimension.

In the 5th Dimension of The New Earth:

When you keep finding things to appreciate about your self, your life and others, you are living in the 5th Dimension.

When you experience a situation that is less than pleasant and you are using this situation as a reason, to allow for solutions to come in, by looking for aspects to appreciate or by doing something that lifts your spirit, then you are living in the 5th Dimension.

When you begin to make your decisions and are thinking thoughts based on the concept that this affects all life, you are living in the 5th Dimension.

You might wonder:

"How come there are situations that are less than pleasant in the 5th Dimension? Isn't it supposed to be perfect?"

To this, Dear Ones, we can say that the 5th Dimension is one of an infinite number of Dimensions.

Each dimension will provide some degree of contrasting experiences, to inspire your ascension to the next dimension.

The only difference is that these contrasting experiences will be less severe than in the previous dimension.

Because you become used to the dimension you're in, it seems as if they are hard to experience, but from the outside view, these constrasting situations become easier and easier.

Dear Ones, you are creators and each creation needs inspiration through contrast.

Even Source, (What we call the One) experienced contrast, before creating this Universe:

There was darkness and this darkness inspired the light.

As you are moving through your eternal experience, you will learn to appreciate your contrasting experiences as a part of creation.

The easier it becomes for you to create your desired realities, the more you become accustomed to these contrasting experiences as part of your inspiration and creative process. You will know, that you are only experiencing them, as long as you are engaging with them. 

Contrast gives you ideas and the desire to find solutions and new creations of the ever evolving journey, humanity and all life is on.

That includes us here in Telos, the Inner Earth civilizations and Galactic civilizations.

You are the creators of your own reality and as you are stepping through the 11-11 Gateway, we are by your side. 

You are carried on the wings of Angels, to bring forth The New Earth.

Know in your heart, that you've always been surrounded by your Angels, Ascended Masters, Guides and yes, also by your family and friends in Telos - and always will be.

Dear Ones, we are walking with you on this journey and you are loved beyond measure - always.

I am your brother Adama of Telos."

~~~~~Thank You Adama! :-)


 ~ Asara ~  has been trance-channeling Adama of Telos and  Archangel Michael  since 2005 for audiences all over the world. After two near death experiences as a child and coming from a long line of Light workers, she dedicated her life to be of service for the Highest Good and Benefit of Humanity. www.teloschannel.com

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