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Galactic Federation: The Pleiadian Chronicles and Earth's Ascension

Galactic Federation: The Pleiadian Chronicles and Earth's Ascension

Though no singular piece of evidence may be definitive proof, the cumulative body of corroborating accounts, documents, and data from independent sources provides compelling supporting evidence for the claims about the pleiadians and their preparations for earth's ascension!

Beyond the Stars

The Pleiadians possess extraordinary abilities that may seem fantastical or impossible to us as humans. One of their most astounding talents is the ability to astral travel - to journey beyond their physical bodies into different dimensions and realities. Through astral projection, they can explore the cosmos and make contact with other beings and civilizations.

Related to astral travel is the Pleiadian skill of remote viewing. With their powerful minds, the Pleiadians can focus their consciousness on recognizing people, places, and events happening anywhere in the universe or at different times! They use this ability to gather information and knowledge that would normally be inaccessible.

In addition, Pleiadians have mastered traveling through consciousness itself. Rather than being limited to physical travel aboard spacecraft, they can transport their minds onto their ships and to faraway destinations. Their advanced mental faculties allow them to experience traversing the galaxy as if they were really there in body!

Pleiadian abilities like astral travel, remote viewing, and consciousness travel may defy human comprehension. But for these enlightened beings, they are natural talents developed through eons of evolution and spiritual advancement. As humans continue on our own journey of ascension, perhaps with the help of Pleiadians, we too will soon unlock such remarkable powers!

Pleiadian Encounters:

The Pleiadians have been interacting with Earth and many other worlds throughout the galaxy for eons. As highly evolved spiritual beings, the Pleiadians are able to traverse dimensional realms and make contact with many different types of entities during their travels.

Some of the more notable encounters that the Pleiadians describe involve extraterrestrials from the Orion system, Sirius, Andromeda, and the Galactic Federation. The Orion beings are said to be masters of polarity and duality, teaching the Pleiadians lessons about integrating the light and dark aspects within themselves. Meetings with the Sirians focused on the use of sacred geometry and sound frequencies for manifestation. Andromedans provided wisdom about harnessing energy and exploring the nature of existence.

Within the Galactic Federation, an alliance of benevolent ET races across the galaxy, the Pleiadians worked closely with Arcturians, Antarians, Procyons, and other advanced civilizations. They collaborated on important missions and projects to assist developing worlds and spread spiritual enlightenment. The federation protects free will across the cosmos while also guiding lesser-developed populations toward peace.

Not all of the Pleiadians' encounters were with physical beings. They also describe communicating with angelic non-physical entities, nature spirits, and higher dimensional teachers. Their psychic abilities allow them to perceive and interact with a wide spectrum of consciousness in the universe. With an open heart, the Pleiadians befriended many intriguing forms of life on their journeys.

Supporting Evidence:

There are many independent sources that provide evidence to corroborate the information about the Pleiadians. Here are some examples:

  • Channelers and contactees such as Barbara Marciniak, Wendy Kennedy, and Darryl Anka, have published books detailing their communications and encounters with beings from the Pleiades star system. Their separate accounts contain consistent descriptions of the Pleiadians' abilities, role in Earth's ascension, and messages to humanity.
  • Hypnotherapists such as Dolores Cannon have conducted regressions with clients who recall past lives as Pleiadians and experiences aboard their motherships. The regression transcripts demonstrate common themes and details that align with other accounts.
  • Indigenous elders and wisdom keepers have ancient oral traditions that describe sky people coming from the Pleiades who had advanced spiritual wisdom and technology. These native stories match modern descriptions of the Pleiadians.
  • Recently declassified official documents contain eyewitness reports of UFO sightings that describe physical crafts matching the appearance of Pleiadian ships.
  • Thousands of individuals around the world share their testimonies of direct contact with the Pleiadians through online forums, videos, and books. The consistency across their separate encounters further validates the claims.
  • Some scientists have analyzed certain crop circle formations and concluded that the sophisticated geometric patterns could not have been man-made, suggesting the involvement of extraterrestrial intelligence like the Pleiadians.
  • Historical art and artifacts from various ancient cultures, such as the Egyptians, Mayans, and Dogons, contain symbols and information indicating their contact with extraterrestrial beings from the Pleiades.

Though no singular piece of evidence may be definitive proof, the cumulative body of corroborating accounts, documents, and data from independent sources provides compelling supporting evidence for the claims about the Pleiadians and their preparations for Earth's ascension!

We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of light.
We are the Galactic Federation.

Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation

Channel and Art by Aurora Ray

Copyright 2023 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved.

We are the ground crew of the Galactic Federation. We're advanced spiritual beings from other stars watching over the evolution in consciousness and assisting the global ascension of Earth and humanity. 
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation | Lyran High Council Elder | Emissary of The Goddess
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