Adama of Telos - The Path To Become A Self-Confident Person
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- Written by Jahn J Kassl

The course of a human life is determined prenatally. This precision work of heaven can best be realized when people develop an awareness of this fact and recognize their spiritual guidance in everyday life. If ego motives are in the foreground, there is a discrepancy with the original soul plan: deviations and detours are the result. To be who you are, free from the desire of the false self, to recognize the handwriting of God in the adventure of life and to welcome God's intervention with joy - this is the path of the self-confident person. (…) Live your purpose and live your truth, because as you count the days to ascension, the greatest change is happening within you now.
Time transforms
Come to the apartments we have prepared for you. Come into the world that already exists. Arrive at yourself so that you can see what cannot be seen with the eyes.
I am always in the midst of my human brothers and sisters on the Upper Earth.
Time changes and it changes people. Awareness and the perception of what is are becoming increasingly important.
Your vision becomes clear, your judgment becomes precise, and your devotion to the truth becomes complete. Slowly the wheel of fate begins to turn in a new direction, the disaster turns around, everything becomes whole and whole. Even if evil and malice appear threatening with a previously unattainable clarity, humanity's path is marked:
It is a good, a luminous path, a path that leads everything that is now turned upside down back into the divine-human order - into the nature of all being.
Where are you called?
Loved people,
the days go by and they go by faster and faster. Events happen rapidly and what was important today is already beyond our perception tomorrow and is often no longer worth commenting on.
That's why it's now extremely important to never stop at individual events of the day - neither mentally nor mentally and certainly not emotionally. Remove yourself from all negative scenarios as quickly and as far as possible.
Give all warlike and destructive events only the attention needed to gain an understanding of them. Please only delve fully into a topic if you can derive a task and a higher meaning from it or if you feel called and called upon to slip into the tar boots of this time.
Whatever your task is, fulfill what your orders are, do that - act in agreement with your soul, but never serve your curiosity just to get caught up in the whirlwind of events.
My message today is:
Stay where you need to be and deal with the things that are in your flow of life. Do not fish in unfamiliar waters and never go into areas where you are not intended and where no one is expecting you.
Examine yourself, check your intentions and motives - and clarify: What is your game? What are your missions and what is your meaning in life? Then everything takes its natural course, then you are with yourself and the world presents you with the lessons that are relevant to you and crucial to your awakening.
Precision work from heaven
The course of a human life is determined prenatally. This precision work of heaven can best be realized when people develop an awareness of this fact and recognize their spiritual guidance in everyday life. If ego motives are in the foreground, there is a discrepancy with the original soul plan: deviations and detours are the result.
To be who you are, free from the desire of the false self, to recognize the handwriting of God in the adventure of life and to welcome God's intervention with joy - this is the path of the self-confident person.
This way of life calms your spirit, nourishes your soul and gives your mind direction.
This way of life, from the inside out, allows you to arrive - with YOU and with GOD.
Live your purpose and live your truth, because as you count the days to ascension, the greatest change is happening within you now.
I am omnipresent on this earth.
I am omnipresent in the interior of this earth.
Translation by
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