Earth Angels
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- Written by AndEl

Dear Ones,
The energies bursting upon earth throughout your month of September are to assist you in creating the dream that provides security within your new being. Maybe a relationship, a new home or income stream. It does not matter. Nor is one security blanket dream better than another. It is merely that which your inner-being has focused on for some time that displays to you that you are a new creative being in a new world.
Perhaps you wonder if you are making this transition up so you can create chaos within your being – so you feel the excitement of something new and unproven – so you have something to dream about other than your mundane 3D earth life. Of course, such is not true.
Yet, even though you are a new being in a new world, your outer world indicators do not clearly portray such to you. So you often wonder about your sanity, your beliefs and yes, your physical, emotional and spiritual being. Is this transition similar to your 3D religions of waiting to receive your rewards in heaven IF you have been a good girl or boy?
It is time to create something in your outer world that confirms to you that you are a new being in a new world. And as you do so, that something new will be discussed among your friends and family as they wonder how you achieved the seemingly impossible with little effort.
Some of you will believe such wonderments are merely luck. But as more and more of you create your security blanket dream, others will take note and follow your – for now – seemingly odd concepts as they too start shifting to joy.
No longer can you postpone your creations, your outer joy for time is marching by.
You have long learned that time is irrelevant in New Earth, to new you. Such is true to a certain extent. But you are ready – more than ready – to be rewarded for your diligent efforts, your scout master skills that provided few rewards and much pain. At the same time, your lack of outer rewards does not spark the interest of those following or trying to follow you to New Earth.
Earth has evolved and so more and more are feeling uncomfortable in their 3D beings. But those following do not have the direction, the map you have held within your being for eons.
If you wish to label yourselves angels of earth, so be it.
Those fully enmeshed in the earth plane without the strong inner messages you carried throughout your eons on earth, cannot hear that siren song of joy within your being. You are their siren song of joy. So it is that it is time for you to prove to yourself and others that you indeed are earth angels and that all beings of earth are gods and goddesses.
Religious teachings have always captured the hearts and minds of some. But this is not the time for some to shift beyond 3D. This is the time for all to shift beyond 3D or to exit earth and provide support from the ethers. For this is what you label, “crunch time.”
Enough have awakened to display the physical possibilities so others will do the same.
But others will no more believe you than they believed a specific religious dogma if you cannot produce your security blanket creation. So it is that the energies falling upon earth now and for the next few weeks are to provide you with the support and security to dare create outside your box of 3D possibilities.
What is your dream this very moment? What is larger than all other dreams? Even though most of you have more than one dream, there is one that continues to force possibilities upon you, one that feels so right. This dream is not small – like a new pencil or parking space. It is something that should not be possible. Something you can observe in amazement and then giggle and laugh as it becomes yours.
This is the time you have been waiting for throughout this transition. Most likely, this security blanket dream is something you envisioned even before you transitioned – it is within your 3D concepts and vocabulary.
After you have created this piece, you will move to more abstract creations. Not because you can not do so now, but because you need your long dreamed of security blanket creation to prove to yourself and others that this transition is valid and real.
Do you suppose others would stream to their new beings if you relayed with great joy that you had traveled to other planets or times? Such concepts before those of 3D have seen more obvious creations would indeed be putting the transition “cart before the horse.”
You have always known this transition would happen for you have been part of all major earth transitions in various forms.
Your role now is to create your security blanket so others will know without a doubt that something is happening that they can be part of.
For the first time, you are displaying your earth angel capabilities en masse. Not one or two entities per eon as you have for eons.
So it is New Earth and new you have arrived to entice others to this fold of joy. And so you will create your security blanket piece by the end of 2015 or before. So be it. Amen.

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