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2016 Pisces Super New Moon And Total Solar Eclipse


Dale Osadchuk

08 March 2016 at 5.54 pm PST and 8.54 pm EST
09 March 2016 at 1.54 am GMT 9.54 am AWST Perth, Australia 12.54 pm AEDT Sydney, NSW

As they often did before a Moon ceremony Snowy Owl and Shooting Star went to visit the Shaman’s cave to receive his guidance about the Lunation they were going to experience. He told them this was a very special New Moon as Luna would cover the radiant light of Grandfather Sun and for a time a ring of fire would appear around her dark face. But he also told them they must prepare to journey to the place where this was visible as not all locations allowed this phenomena to be seen.


When the sisters reached the Star Temple the Star Walkers Arista and Dauphin were there. Sister Moon had told them, at the last Full Moon, that these two were important guides for this New Moon and the Moon cycles to follow. But the young women wondered how they would be able to reach the place where they could see Sister Moon cover the face of Grandfather Sun. Arista heard their thoughts and said “Dauphin and I have the ability to fly to other places. When you wear your magic capes you too have that power. We have asked Snowy Owl’s spirit guide Little Owl to lead us all to the place where we can see Sister Moon cover Grandfather Sun. He is just waiting for you to don your capes and come fly with us.” As the sisters went to the Standing One who guarded their feather flying capes Little Owl was there waiting for them. When they put their capes on they immediately found themselves air borne following Little Owl westward to the other side of Turtle Island with Arista and Dauphin flying beside them.  

It had been dark when they left the Star Temple but as they flew west through space Grandfather Sun was still sending his rays onto the Earth. When the travellers reached their destination Grandfather Sun’s fiery circle was reflected on the waters of the great ocean. Snowy Owl and Shooting Star knew they could not look directly at the Sun when Sister Moon passed in front of him. They were grateful the ocean was calm so they could watch the event manifesting on the surface of the water. And then they saw Sister Moon’s dark face begin to cross Grandfather. When she was fully covering him the ring of fire appeared around her. As this happened the sky and land darkened and the birds that had been singing became silent. It was strangely beautiful and, although quiet, the energy felt electric.


Sister Moon spoke “Although this meeting between Grandfather Sun and I begins a new cycle that influences the next six New Moons it is also a time of completion and release. It is a time of healing and letting go of those old wounds that keep you separated from your Soul Essence Guidance. In the far away time many two leggeds are tired of the struggles that the life path creates and are choosing to leave the physical. But that means for some that they may not have completed their Soul Work. This New Moon is the opportunity to begin the journey of merging mind, body, spirit into wholeness while still in the physical so that the Soul can fulfill its mission.”

Sister Moon continued “The Star Walkers will be your guides for the next six Moon Cycles. Arista will show you the gifts you have to share for the good of all. Dauphin will help you remember your special song so you can sing again with joy and love. At this New Moon Grandfather Sun and I gift you with the opportunity to become fully PRESENT in your life and let your Soul’s Wisdom be your guide so you can sing your song and share your gifts with the world.”

Snowy Owl and Shooting Star knew Sister Moon was not just talking to them but to all the people in the far away time who were ready to awaken from the deep sleep. The time was now.

Pisces is the 12th sign of the zodiac. We can call it the melting pot. It contains all the answers to the questions the other signs ask. It is the sign that is connected to the Mystical and the Oneness if we are willing to surrender our ego personalities and merge with our Soul Essence. Spiritually surrender does not mean giving up. It means to “merge with”. The questions that Pisces has the answers to are: who am I (Aries) what do I value (Taurus) how do I communicate my thoughts (Gemini) how do I express my feeling (Cancer) how do I use my creativity (Leo) how can I be of spiritual service (Virgo) how can I achieve balance and harmony (Libra) how can I experience healing and transformation (Scorpio) what do I really believe (Sagittarius) what is my Soul Purpose (Capricorn) what spiritual gifts do I have to share with the world (Aquarius). Whatever your question this New Moon will answer if you are willing to hear.


We can say we are in Pisces overload at this Lunation. Mercury at 06 degrees Pisces conjunct Neptune at 09 degrees Pisces (what is true and what is illusion) begin the planetary line up. This connection is important as Neptune is the ruler of this New Moon. Then we have the Asteroid Ceres at 15 degrees Pisces (abandonment wounds) conjunct the Sun/Moon at 18 degrees Pisces (connection to The Oneness) which are conjunct Chiron at 20 degrees Pisces and the South Node at 21 degrees Pisces (healing the wounds from the past and healing the world wound). The theme is healing, healing, healing, completion AND RELEASE. Because this is a Solar Eclipse this theme is with us for the next six Moon cycles.

Until Neptune was sighted in 1846 and given rulership over Pisces the planetary ruler for this mystical sign was Jupiter. I like to take into consideration the influence of the traditional as well as modern rulers of a New Moon. In our current Lunation Jupiter is at 18 degrees Virgo directly opposite the Sun/Moon at 18 degrees Pisces. He is also conjunct Earth at 18 degrees Virgo and the North Node at 21 degrees Virgo. This is the Rainbow Bridge of healing into Wholeness not just for us as individuals but for the human kingdom.  Oppositions ask us to find balance and harmony. The rulers of this Virgo configuration are Mercury (our thoughts and perceptions) and Chiron (healing the world wound) both in Pisces (remembering we are Souls having a human experience). Jupiter is inconjunct (letting go) Uranus at 18 degrees Aries (break down or breakthrough) which is still in range to its square to Pluto at 17 degrees Capricorn (transformation of society). Pluto (healing and release) is trine (ease and flow) Jupiter so the Universe again is supporting our journey of healing, completion, and release.

We have more help especially if we are in resistance to the letting go process. Saturn at 16 degrees Sagittarius (limiting beliefs) is creating a T Square with Jupiter in Virgo and Neptune, Ceres, Sun/Moon, Chiron, and the South Node in Pisces. T Squares make us feel backed into a corner until there is no choice but to break free. If our beliefs are based on ego personality then we are missing the wise guidance of our Soul and we are caught in illusion. Interesting how the planetary dance always supports us. The Asteroid called Asclepius is at 16 degrees Sagittarius travelling with Saturn. In Greek mythology Asclepius was a profound healer taught and guided by Chiron. The power to heal is ours if we just embrace it. As well as an Eclipse this is a Super New Moon which enhances whatever we are focused on.


The Animal Totems that guide us at this Lunation are Cougar, coming into your spiritual power, and Wolf, guardian and teacher about change. The Clan Mother is Weighs The Truth who is guardian of the burden basket. This is the sacred object you can give your worries to and they will be lifted. She is also the keeper of Divine Law, justice and equality. She is the destroyer of deception and teaches us to accept the truth within. She is the guardian of the Sacred Self. Her full story can be found in the 13 Original Clan Mothers and Earth Medicine both by Jamie Sams.

Pisces is active on the Tarot Constellation of The Hermit, the principle of Introspection and Personal Integrity. It is about journeying within to find your Inner Universe and your true connection to Source, the Great Mystery. It will be imperative as we weather the storms ahead to be anchored in our Sacred Center. The opportunity for continuing transformational healing and change is on the horizon. 

Pisces and its opposite sign of Virgo (the North Node, Jupiter, and the Earth are in Virgo at this Lunation) are active on the 6th Ray of Idealism and Devotion. It is a difficult Ray as its planets are Mars (aggression or spiritual motivation) and Neptune (illusion or enlightenment). You can see how that is playing out in humanities current and continuing manifestation. The Archangels who guide us are Uriel, harmony and peace, and Aurora Grace, gentleness and compassion. Pisces is also active on the 2nd Ray of Divine Love and Wisdom with Archangels Jophiel, creative power and Divine Vision, and Constance Christine, Divine Illumination. Let us all call on the gifts these Archangels offer to bring balance to the world and our own lives.

Years ago I came across a story about a little boy made of salt. I cannot recall the author and I cannot find the story so I will just try to tell it from memory. The young boy never felt he belonged to his tribe because he was different. When he was old enough he decided to go on a journey to discover his true self. But wherever he went it did not feel like home. Finally he arrived at the vast ocean. He felt apprehensive but as the waves rolled in they called to him. He found the courage to put his right foot in the water and it dissolved. As he moved further into the water he dissolved completely and became one with the ocean. He was home.

May the journey of the next six Moon cycles guide you home to your Soul. It is the Sacred Centre within yourself.

Blessings Dale

Dale is available for astrological consultations. To contact her you can e-mail her at or via telephone at 905-589-0192.  You can also find Dale’s articles on www.facebook.com  and www.crystalwind.ca

Copyright Dale Osadchuk 2016. You are welcome to share this Moon information with others. Please send it in its entirety with Dale’s contact information. Thank you.

© 2016 Dale Osadchuk

Reprinted with permission.


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