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2015 Scorpio New Moon
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- Written by AndEl
Dale Osadchuk
12 November 2015 at 1.47am AWST Perth Australia and 4.47am AEDT Sydney NSW
It was the day before the Moon Ceremony and Snowy Owl and Shooting Star went to visit the Shaman’s Cave. He always had great wisdom to share about the power of the New and Full Moons. This day he told them they must enter the Star Temple that night when all was dark so they could feel the energy of Sister Moon’s message. The New Moon was occurring the following mid-day but the deep darkness held a stillness that allowed Luna’s message to be heard with clarity and understanding.
Grandfather Sun had already set as the sisters climbed the path to the Star Temple and the darkness surrounded them. But they knew the path so well they had no difficulty walking it in the darkness. The Shaman had told them this was a Moon of Transformation and the young women felt anxious and excited at the same time. They entered the Star Temple and settled in the center awaiting Sister Moons message. Then they heard the sound of wings beating in the night air. Eagle Woman had come to join them.
Sister Moon spoke from the darkness. “I asked Eagle Woman to join you for this New Moon Ceremony for she carries the power of this Winged One who is one of the guides for this Moon cycle of transformation. For eons of time Eagle has been worshiped for its strength and power to fly high. It has been associated with masculine power. But it also has the ability to touch the heavens and carry your prayers to Great Mystery. That is feminine power. Eagle Woman has joined you to teach you to embrace your Spiritual Gifts of keen insight and Divine Power. She is here to guide you for this Moon cycle of Transformation and Renewal. At the next New Moon you will have discovered a self that has been hidden until now. Prepare yourself to embrace the Sacred Power that Eagle Medicine is offering you. The courage and strength to touch the heavens and the Stars while walking your Earth Path.”
When Sister Moon fell silent Eagle Woman stood in the center of the Star Temple and began to twirl and spin, her wings appearing ready to take flight. But as she continued to do her whirling dance she began to transform. Her feathers became red, orange, and deep turquoise. Right before their eyes Eagle Woman became The Phoenix, the power of transformation and re-birth. Before she took flight Eagle Woman said to Snowy Owl and Shooting Star “This is your time for transformation and renewal. All you have to do is be open to new doorway that is appearing and have the courage to walk through it into the unknown.” As Eagle Woman disappeared into the dark night the young women already felt an awakening happening deep within. They were ready.
Nov 11 is called Remembrance Day in Canada and Great Britain. It is Veteran’s Day in the US and Armistice Day in other countries. At 11.00am two minutes of silence are observed to honour fallen soldiers from the two World Wars. But it also symbolizes those who have sacrificed their lives to keep others safe from the ravages of any war and those veterans who survived but have been injured and their lives were changed forever. The motto is “lest we forget”. Having a New Moon on this day of remembrance is powerful. Nov 11, 2015 is numerologically a 12 day connected to the planet Neptune, illusion or illumination. Even if the New Moon occurs on Nov 12 in your time zone it is a 13 vibration. That is Scorpio’s number in the Tarot and a symbol of death and transformation. I went back in my Ephemeris and in the 20th Century there were four Scorpio New Moons that occurred on the 11th of Nov. All were years of war and conflict. Seems nothing has changed. Scorpio is actually found on the 4th Ray of Harmony through Conflict. It is the Ray of humanity.
Spiritually Nov 11 opens the 11.11 portal. The gateway to Cosmic Consciousness. It is a remembrance of the Star Seeds we earthlings are. We are all made from star stuff. This idea was introduced in a big way in the late 1980’s by a woman named Solara. People began seeing 11.11 on digital clocks. If buying things the bills and coins given back came to 11 dollars and 11 cents. The 11.11 vibration was everywhere. Scorpio is the sign of the Mysteries and this New Moon carrying the 11.11 gateway is a reminder to become our Star Selves and be empowered in our lives. As we mentioned earlier even if this New Moon is occurring on Dec 12 in your time zone it still carries the message of transformation and opens the Gateway into Cosmic Consciousness.
New Moons are a time to plant seeds for new beginnings that you wish to manifest. Scorpio is different. It is a time to identify what no longer serves us and during this Moon cycle release what that is so we experience transformation and make space for the new that is waiting to be recognized at the Sagittarius New Moon of Nov 22. This current New Moon is at 19 degrees Scorpio and Mercury at 15 degrees Scorpio (transformed thinking) is aligned with the Sun and Moon. The ruler for this Lunation (and Mercury) is Pluto at 13 degrees Capricorn (transforming society). He is in sextile aspect to the planets in Scorpio and is supporting us to create opportunities that will be transformational. He is also sextile Chiron at 17 degrees Pisces (healing the world wound) which is trine (ease and harmony) the Scorpio energies. We do have an opposition (tug of war) as Chiron is opposite Jupiter at 18 degrees Virgo (spiritual vision). It means it is necessary to heal ourselves in order to be teachers and healers for others. This is an easy opposition as Jupiter is sextile (easy opportunity) the Scorpio trio and trine (ease and harmony) Pluto in Capricorn. The Universe always gives us a way to find balance in our lives.
There is another big shift with this Scorpio New Moon (we are in the New Moon vibration until the Crescent Phase on Nov 15 at 10.05am EST). Mars is the Soul Centered ruler of Scorpio. He is at 29 degrees Virgo which is a completion degree. Vesta at 28 degrees Pisces (finding the Source Within) is opposite Mars (finding inner balance). What is significant is the North Node of the Moon is shifting from Libra (balanced relationship) into Virgo at approximately 8.02 pm EST this Nov 11. The North Node in Virgo is mind, body, spirit healing and integration so we can be of spiritual service to the world. It is the Rainbow Bridge of Healing into Wholeness. Mars conjoined with North Node gives us the strength and courage to release what no longer serves us so we can fulfill the destiny of our Star Self. The North Node is in Virgo until May 2017.
For some reason it has been a struggle to write the information for this New Moon. Perhaps it is because the Lunation is inconjunct my natal Aries Sun. That tells me this Moon cycle is about adjustment and letting go of what no longer serves me. I am beginning a new 12 year cycle of growth and expansion. Don’t want to take any “old stuff” with me on the new journey. Thank you Great Mystery for your guidance always.
Here are the descriptions for the Totem guides, Clan Mother, Rays and Archangels for this Scorpio New Moon. I am pressed for time so I am copying them from a previous Scorpio Moon post. Everything described will always be active at Scorpio Lunations.
The astrological symbols for the sign of Scorpio are the Scorpion, who stings and destroys, the Eagle who soars high with keen vision but can be detached, and the Phoenix-Dove who understands the Healing Power of Universal Love. Scorpio can express any of these energies but most often it is the Scorpion or the Eagle. This New Moon asks us all to become the Phoenix-Dove and heal and transform the world through LOVE.
In the Northern Hemisphere this is the Freeze Up Moon Time. Snake, shedding the old and healing into the new, is our Medicine Wheel guide along with the Sacred Totem for Scorpio, the Phoenix, transformation and re-birth. Spider Medicine is also a guide for Scorpio, weaving a new life pattern. In the Southern Hemisphere this is the Growing Time Moon with Beaver, releasing the old and building the new, as your guide. For all of us the Clan Mother for this Scorpio New Moon cycle is Walks Tall Woman. She is the guardian of walking the truth and teaches the proper use of will as you walk your talk. She is the keeper of personal integrity and inner knowing. She is the guardian of new pathways and teaches the right time to take action. Walks Tall Woman is also the keeper of your relationship to Great Mystery and guides you as you journey within The Source of All That Is. You can find more of her story in the 13 Original Clan Mothers and Earth Medicine both my Jamie Sams.
Scorpio is active on the Tarot Constellation of The Emperor, the principle of Life Force and Realization of Power. This is not the ego power of manipulation and control but the strength of honesty and trust in your Soul Essence Guidance. The Tarot Card associated with Scorpio is the Death card. This is a metaphor for releasing the old that no longer serves and stepping into the new. That is the purpose for this New Moon of Transformation. The other energies of The Emperor are Aries and Uranus and of course the planet called the Awakener is in Aries and guides us to breakthrough to our Authentic Self.
The Ray of this Scorpio New Moon and Eclipse is the Fourth Ray of Harmony Through Conflict or Beauty. It is the Ray of the human kingdom and you just have to listen to the news to know that the conflicts in the world the two-leggeds have instigated are constantly escalating. It is also the Ray of the Root Chakra, fear or strength. The other astrological sign on this Ray is Taurus and that is the aspect of Beauty. In our current Lunation the Earth is in Taurus (whatever sign the Sun is in the Earth is in the opposite sign) and that is reminding us of the Beauty of this most precious planet. As humans it is our responsibility to bring the Earth Mother back into balance through harmony. As Gandhi said “be the change you want to see in the world.” It is time for the two leggeds to value, support, and honour All That Is and release the old ways.
The Archangels who guide us for this New Moon cycle are Gabriel, the angel of transformation and resurrection, and Hope, the angel of trust and faith. You can call on them at any time when you need to be reminded to have faith and trust in yourself on this Transformational Journey to your Sacred Self. Also work with the Medicine of Snake and the Phoenix Dove and releasing what no longer serves you will be more effortless than you ever thought it could be.
I hope I have given you a sense of the power of this Scorpio New Moon and that you will embrace the opportunity for healing and transformation you are being given.
Blessings Dale
Dale Osadchuk is an Artist, Spiritual Astrologer, and Transformational Counsellor and is available for consultations in Sharon (just north of Newmarket) Ontario, Canada in person or by telephone.
If you wish to contact Dale she can be reached via-email at or by telephone at 905-589-0192.
You are welcome to share this Moon information with others. Please send it in its entirety with Dale’s contact information. Thank you.
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© 2015 Dale Osadchuk
Reprinted with permission.
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