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2015 Sagittarius New Moon
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- Written by AndEl
Dale Osadchuk
6.29pm AWST Perth, Australia and 9.29pm AEDT Sydney, NSW
I have been struggling with creating a new format for the Moon stories. When my computer crashed on Nov 25 (the day of the Gemini Full Moon) the message I received was “it is time to do things in a new way”. Astrologically I have just entered a new cycle of growth and expansion of my spiritual vision. I am not sure what that is yet. But this Sagittarius New Moon will help me with that as it is trine my natal Sun in Aries, spiritual messenger. I have been guided to share two stories written a long time ago that are very relevant to what is happening in the world today. Following is the story for the Sagittarius New Moon of 27 November 2008 (that is 7 years ago).
“The young fawn was lost. She belonged to the White Tailed Deer Tribe but a few days ago had wandered off in search of adventure. It had been a beautiful sunny day and she had just wanted to explore. She was a very curious little deer. What she did not know was this was the Long Snows Time and while she was off seeking excitement the snow had started to fall and quickly covered her tracks back to her Deer Clan. She could not find her way home.
The little deer was standing on the path to the Star Temple as Snowy Owl and her sister Shooting Star Woman were headed to do sacred ceremony for the Long Snows Moon. This was still the dark time as Grandfather Sun was very far south on his yearly journey. The daytime was short and the nighttime long. The young fawn stood almost frozen as the young women approached her. She was fearful of the two leggeds. “Do not be afraid” said Shooting Star “We are here to help you. I have the gift of talking to the animals. Just tell me where your Clan is and we will guide you back home.”
“I do not know” cried the fawn “I am lost and cannot find my way home.” Snowy Owl had learned from her sister how to hear the animals as well. She knew the White Tailed Deer Clan was very far away and it would not be possible for them to return the young fawn back to them until the springtime. But Snowy Owl had an idea. She whispered her plan to Shooting Star and the younger sister agreed. “Follow us” the sisters said to the fawn.
And so the little deer, now trusting the Medicine Women, let them lead her into the nearby woods. They travelled deeper into the Standing People until they came to the Elk Tribe. “We have found your little cousin lost and afraid and we cannot find her clan until the spring.” Shooting Star said “Will you take her in and protect her so when she is grown and strong she can return to her family?” The leader of the Elk Tribe knew this was a highly unusual request. Elk and Deer were different. Just as he was about to say no a female Elk stepped forward. This was the leader’s mate. “Of course we will adopt her and keep her safe. Creator and Great Mystery have made us look different but we are all the same inside. Welcome little one.”
Snowy Owl and Shooting Star left the young fawn with her new family knowing she would be protected over the winter. They also knew she would become a Wise One for her clan having learned there really is no difference. We are all interconnected.”
And now to continue our story here is the message from the Gemini Full Moon of 02 December 2009 (that is 6 years ago). I have edited the story and just included the message from Dancing Rainbow Deer, our little fawn now grown.
“I am Dancing Rainbow, the bridge between two worlds. Welcome Medicine Women to our new family. Twelve moon cycles ago I was lost and could not find my way back to my Deer Clan. I was a very young fawn and very scared. It was the Long Snows Time and you knew you could not return me home so you brought me here to the Elk Tribe. Father Elk did not want to have anything to do with me but Mother Elk embraced me as her own. They nurtured and protected me through the Winter Time and when spring came they showed me the way back home” Snowy Owl and Shooting Star remembered how frightened the young fawn had been and did the only thing they could to keep her safe by taking her to her cousins, the Elks.
“When I returned home” Rainbow continued “I told my family of the kindness and generosity the Elk tribe had treated me with and they wanted to thank them. One thing led to another and we are now all living together in harmony and peace. Thank you for showing me how to unite clans who think they are different but at the heart centre are the same. We truly are all part of the Oneness.”
It felt so appropriate to share these stories at this Sagittarius New Moon. Deer is the Animal Totem for Gemini and the Earth is in Gemini at this Lunation. Earth is also the Soul centered ruler of the Sagittarius New Moon. Earth in Gemini asks us to heal duality and the conflicts the ego mind likes to engage in. Deer is sensitivity, compassion, and LOVE. The Earth in Gemini also symbolizes the choice to unite and live in harmony.
There are two Animal Totems for the Sun/Moon meeting in Sagittarius. Elk, stamina and strength, is a symbol for our community and its support. Sometimes community can be closed minded. What we all need to recognize is we are now a world-wide community and like our story of little fawn we need to take care of those who need our love and support as they step onto the path of the new. (At this New Moon hundreds of refugees who have been displaced by the conflict in the Middle East are being welcomed to their new home in Canada with many more scheduled to arrive in the next two months. I love my country!!!) The second Animal Totem for Sagittarius is Owl, a symbol for Wisdom and Truth. But Owl also represents the wisdom to see through deception and know what is true, what is not true, and what can never be true. I believe that is the theme of the ongoing Fourth Quarter Square (revision and realignment) of Saturn in Sagittarius and Neptune in Pisces. We are under this influence for 10 months (it began November 2015 and takes us to Sept 2016). Owl will be working overtime. The Fourth Quarter Square asks us to release what is not working (limiting beliefs) and focus on what is workable (Universal Truth we are All One).
Sagittarius is the Mutable Fire sign and is associated with religion, philosophy, and our belief system. It also carries the need to be a seeker of the Truth, not just personally, but Universally. The shadow side is to be dogmatic with the attitude “it is my way or the highway”. There are too many examples of the shadow in the world right now. The key phrases for Sagittarius are I BELIEVE AND I UNDERSTAND. Mutable means to be flexible, adaptable, and go with the flow. Fire is to be inspired and guided by our higher consciousness and spiritual vision.
We mentioned Earth in Gemini is the Soul Centered ruler (Ageless Wisdom Teachings by Alice Bailey) for this Sagittarius New Moon. The traditional planetary ruler is Jupiter, currently at 22 degrees Virgo and square the Sun/Moon at 19 degrees Sagittarius and the Earth at 19 degrees Gemini. Squares are motivations for change and finding new ways of doings things. We have been calling Jupiter in Virgo the Rainbow Bridge of Healing into Wholeness. At this Lunation he is opposite (finding balance) Chiron (the wounded healer) at 17 degrees Pisces (the world wound and the collective unconscious). This configuration is a Mutable Grand Cross, healing and releasing the past to make space for the new. The message is clear. Humankind needs to embrace our similarities and let go of focusing on our differences, personally and universally.
There are two more important patterns. Mars at 16 degrees Libra (war or peace) is opposite Uranus at 16 degrees Aries (break down or breakthrough). They are in a T Square (breaking out of the box) with Pluto (release and transformation) and Pallas Athene (spiritual wisdom) both at 14 degrees Capricorn (society). Mars is sextile (ease and opportunity) the Sun/Moon and Uranus is trine (ease and flow) the Sun/Moon, The Universe always gives us a way to break free. The second pattern is Venus at 07 degrees Scorpio (healing and release) in a trine aspect (ease and harmony) to Neptune at 07 degrees Pisces (collective healing through LOVE). The challenge is Saturn at 08 degrees Sagittarius is still in the range of his square to Neptune. We have to let go of the old limited thinking and desire to separate to heal our world.
In the northern hemisphere this is the Long Nights and Long Snows Time. As we mentioned earlier Elk, strength and stamina, and Owl, wisdom, are our guides. In the southern hemisphere this is The Flowering Time with Deer, sensitivity and compassion, as your guide. While the Sun visits Sagittarius it is time to focus on our spiritual vision for a better world.
The Clan Mother for this Lunation is Gives Praise. She is the guardian of giving thanks for the truth and making space for abundance. She teaches us to be grateful for all the lessons that strengthen our Inner Selves. She reminds us to acknowledge our circle of blessings and to celebrate the precious gift of life. For more of her story read the 13 Original Clan Mothers or Earth Medicine both by Jamie Sams.
Sagittarius is part of the Tarot Constellation of The Hierophant, the principle of Learning and Teaching. It requires that we learn in a hands-on way so we can integrate the lessons and then be a teacher for others. The Hierophant is the fifth card in the Tarot journey and is seen as a Wise Sage or Shaman. Sagittarius is the fourteenth card and shows us the path after we have released what no longer serves us. This can be a challenging Constellation for it requires that we be true to ourselves.
In terms of the Ray energies Sagittarius is complicated. It begins on 4th Ray of Harmony Through Conflict with Archangels Gabriel, transformation and resurrection, and Hope, faith and trust as our guides. When that Ray is mastered the next is 5th Ray, Concrete Knowledge and Healing, with Raphael, the shinning one who heals, and Mary, Divine Unconditional Love, guiding us. The final Ray Sagittarius expresses is perhaps the most difficult. It is the 6th of Idealism and Devotion. We can all see how that is being expressed in the world right now. Even the Rays have a shadow side. The Archangels of 6th Ray are Uriel, peace and love, and Aurora Grace, gratitude and balance. You decide which Ray you want to embody for this Moon cycle.
I am choosing peace and love. Blessings to all. It is good to be back.
Love Dale
Dale Osadchuk is an Artist, Spiritual Astrologer, and Transformational Counsellor and is available for consultations in Sharon (just north of Newmarket) Ontario, Canada in person or by telephone.
If you wish to contact Dale she can be reached via-email at or by telephone at 905-589-0192.
You are welcome to share this Moon information with others. Please send it in its entirety with Dale’s contact information. Thank you.
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© 2015 Dale Osadchuk
Reprinted with permission.
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