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Elohim Peace: Your Key Role in Uplifting Global Consciousness

Elohim Peace: Your Key Role in Uplifting Global Consciousness

I AM Elohim Peace, having come to you, the current generation living on planet Earth, with a low bow for finding strength and courage within yourselves to come into incarnation at this time of transition.

Many of us with hope and trepidation turn our eyes toward those of you who have not forgotten about your service and about the oath that you gave before your incarnation.

Your primary mission is to elevate the consciousness of the people of planet Earth. This mission has now become the most important. The future depends on the extent to which you will succeed in fulfilling this mission. It is least of all that I would like you to feel a fear of the future. In any case, the Ascended Hosts are staying with you and are ready to offer a helping hand in the hour of need. So, I have come today in order to transmit the energies of peace into your world.

Last night my powerful energies breached the leaden armor of incomprehension, hatred, and hostility that have densely encircled the planet. My energies have restored the aspiration toward peace and tranquility in the souls of many of you.

Everyone who is able to maintain the balance of energies within himself and to keep the state of inner peace and harmony at this time will be the guarantor for the sustainable development of all humankind.

Therefore, keep thinking about peace, radiating harmony into the outer world, and transmitting my energies of peace into your world.

Now I would like to dwell upon the question of how each of you can and is able to balance the situation on planet Earth. I make no secret of the fact that there are moments when it is very hard to manage to keep the balance. Sometimes a person who is in the thick of life and not existing in pleasant conditions, who through tremendous efforts is still keeping the inner balance and sending love to the world from within his heart, is able to prevent the beginning of another war or social upheaval.

This has happened many times during this year. Every time the opposing forces were rocking the boat and a war or more bloodshed seemed inevitable, there was a person who pacified the negative element with his inner state, with the help of his inner attainments and a sincere prayer.

Keeping the balance becomes easier if humanity as a whole is at the higher level of its consciousness. The level of consciousness is what determines the outer conditions, manages the manifestation of the outer forces, and forms the circumstances in the physical world.

Therefore, each time before you add your energies to any activity that unbalances the elements, stop for a while to ponder. You will either direct your Divine energy at destruction, at negativity, at imbalance, or you will prefer to keep inner harmony and peace.

The world is at times taken hold of by inferior energies, and a blind flow of elements draws many life streams along the inferior path. All the wars of the past, of the 20th century, and many events of contemporary history are examples of how an inferior thought can take hold of the consciousness of a certain critical mass of the population of a particular country. Then people are no longer the masters of the situation, and they are held hostage by inferior energies. Millions of human victims are the consequence of one inferior thought that originated in someone's consciousness.

Similarly, one blessed thought, if it takes hold of the mass consciousness, can change the course of history and direct humankind along an easier road.

The Ascended Hosts are preparing the patterns of the radiant future in the subtle plane. These patterns are ready to precipitate, and the souls that are able to bring these patterns to life are being searched for.

In order for you to come in consonance with our vibrations and to become able to transmit the energies of Light into the world, you must be attuned to the Higher worlds.

However, in their death struggle the forces of illusion aim to seize and divert souls away from the Path with their imperfect patterns and manifestations.

You must clearly understand that the forces of good and evil are acting in your world. And you choose which side you are going to act on. You should consciously qualify any manifestations in your world: What forces are behind these manifestations? Supporting imperfect non-divine patterns with your thoughts, emotions, and actions, you take the side of the opposition of the evolutionary path of development. You support the forces of illusion. You slip into a lower level in your consciousness.

Conversely, when you allow the Divine manifestations to act through you, when you elevate your consciousness and the consciousness of the people around you, then you move in the right direction and maintain the balance for many incarnated individuals.

I must tell you that each of these generators of Good and Light is able to neutralize huge hordes of the forces of death and hell.

I wish with all my heart that you always act on the side of the forces of Light. And together we will prevent any war, any aggression, any hatred, and any hostility.

Believe me, it is only your level of consciousness that prevents ascension to the next evolutionary level. And you yourselves are responsible for where you direct your energy. Always, in 100 percent of the cases, you are the only person who is responsible for allocating the energy that constantly flows through your being, through your subtle bodies and your chakras. Only you yourselves are bearing the responsibility for spending your Divine energy. And there is not any person or being in the Universe that can make choices for you.

You always have a chance to stop and ponder whether you are acting in accordance with God or against God.

I clearly understand that in the current circumstances in your world, it is sometimes very difficult to evaluate the situation and make a choice. Therefore, invite God and the Ascended Hosts in to your life more often and ask for their Divine advice and Divine guidance, and you will always receive them.

I have been with you today. I AM Elohim Peace.

Submitted to CrystalWind.ca via Email For Re-Blogging. 

In 2004 I was granted a Messenger’s Mantle of the Great White Brotherhood and received an opportunity to bring the Words of the Masters to people.
During the years 2005-2020 at certain periods of time I have been receiving Messages of the Ascended Masters in a special way.
I am very happy that with the help of many people the first Messages I received have been translated into English and the English-speaking readers can become familiar with them. The only thing the Ascended Masters want is to spread their Teaching throughout the world.
The Masters give their Messages with the feeling of great Love.
Love has no limits.
There are no boundaries between the hearts of people living in different countries, there are no boundaries between the worlds.
The boundaries exist only in the consciousness of people.
The Masters appeal through me to every man living on planet Earth
From Siberia with Love,
Tatyana Nicholaevna Mickushina

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