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The April 2022 Full Moon of 27 Aries-Libra Pt. 3

The April 2022 Full Moon of 27 Aries-Libra Pt. 3

Aspects, Evolutionary Configurations, and More.

The next two weeks will give us the power to integrate or re-integrate our lives at the core, redirecting our focus to whatever secures what we need. Because of the Cardinal T-square with Venus as a chaser, this one requires humor, courage, strength, and the ability to mobilize while considering alternatives at the threshold of new experiences. The gateway to a greater compassion and forgiveness is wide open!

This Full Moon fulfills the Aries New Moon themes, which means we’re now in a period where we’re glimpsing the trajectory of “the flight of our Soul,” and have moved into a healing or mentoring period where imagination solves a host of uncertainties. This period requires balance and a sense of perspective, as well as a willingness to feel all we need to feel as part of the one Life we all are together. While this begins a new Life pulse, keep saying goodbye as you need to, since this is a time of blessing, forgiving, protecting, and releasing.

Last year we completed the three-fold transfiguration process in our late Aquarius area of life which has already resulted in a deeper connection with ourselves, others, and Source. This Lunation can bring realizations related to polishing some gifts which allow us to know when we need to protect ourselves against “aggressive social elements” as we open to simple but unique ideas about using our courage and will productively. We approach a time of teaching the wisdom of self-restraint and the ability to go through difficulty with love and wisdom.

Evolutionary Configurations

This month we’re back to two evolutionary configurations, with both involving Pluto. We’ll begin to have more configurations in play as the year develops and the inner planets leave the outer planet zone. This month they are:

1) The Lunation is cut into a semisquare and sesquisquare by Venus and a T-square by Pluto, with Venus semisquare Pluto. This generates four points of a Great Octile, bringing friction, turning points, the need to act in decisive ways, and the need to monitor coercive people. This generates a lot of “action energy” around 10-15 degrees of the Mutable signs and 25-30 degrees of the Cardinal signs.

The Venus angles create a void at 10-15 Virgo, just as the T-square generates a void at 25-30 Cancer. Any Octile requires “right action” (or non-action) with an eye to releasing potential or redirecting energy which is unfocused or going the wrong direction. This is at work in the areas in your chart of the end of Libra, Capricorn, and Aries, as well as mid-Pisces, and generates void mentioned in the previous paragraph. If you’re affected, don’t get aggravated and figure out what sort of decision action you need to take.

2) The second evolutionary configuration (as usual) involves the Grand Irrationality anchored by Uranus septile Neptune and biseptile Pluto. This month the energy is ramped up in a huge way with Mercury conjunct Uranus and biseptile Pluto, with the ruler of our Gemini and Virgo sectors putting us at a point of choice and change relative to the bigger spiritual trajectory of our life. This is the herald for the coming forks in the road when the Sun and then Venus make these aspects, with everything triggered by Mars in mid-to-late July.

Even though I gave you the link to the main article in part one of this series, in case you don’t know about the Grand Irrationality, there have been two iterations of it. The first Grand Irrationality (1993-2017) was anchored by Neptune septile Pluto, and the second Grand Irrationality (2018-2021) has been anchored by Uranus biseptile Pluto, with Neptune occasionally configuring with Uranus in a septile, joining the two evolutionary patterns.

Both of the “Grand Irrationalities” represent non-rational, “fork in the road of destiny” configurations blending the transpersonal revolutionizing of Uranus with the transpersonal “fog of mass consciousness” of Neptune with the purifying “death and rebirth” energy of Pluto. This Lunation has no planets activating this “Seven Pointed Star of Destiny.”

Major Aspects

Besides the various aspects I gave you related to the evolutionary configurations, forming (or partile separating) inner planet aspects include the Moon in an out of sign trine to Mars, quincunx Jupiter and Neptune, and pentelftile Uranus; Mercury is sextile Venus, quintile Mars, semisquare Jupiter and Neptune, and binovile Saturn; Venus is in a wide conjunction with Jupiter and Neptune, vigintile Saturn, and sextile Uranus; and the Sun makes an out of sign sextile with Mars and elftiles to Jupiter and Neptune.

Outer planet forming and partile separating aspects include Mars quindecile Jupiter and Neptune, quintile Uranus, and elftile Pluto; Jupiter is semisquare Uranus, conjunct Neptune, and sextile Pluto; Saturn is binovile Uranus and quindecile Pluto; and Uranus makes only the aspects in the configurations.

Friction is heavy this month, with 5 semisquares, 2 squares, 1 sesquisquare, and 2 quincunxes. We’ll all experience some friction in the areas described in the special configurations.

This month features a lot of spiritual aspects from all the different series. In the series related to destiny and “fate,” we find 1 septile and 2 biseptiles. In the 9th harmonic series related to spiritual realizations, we have 2 binoviles. In the 11th harmonic series related to spiritual realizations, we have 3 elftiles and 1 pentelftile. The specializing aspect series provides 1 vigintile, 3 quindeciles, and 2 quintiles.

For those new to the craft, quintiles and biquintiles are 5th harmonic aspects, septiles and triseptiles are 7th harmonic aspects, noviles are 9th harmonic aspects, deciles (semi-quintiles) and tredeciles are 10th harmonic aspects, the elftile series are 11th harmonic aspects, the quindecile is a 15th harmonic aspect, and the vigintile is a 20th harmonic aspect. Each of these has a unique function in the phase relationship of the two planets in aspect.

The 5th, 10th, 15th, and 20th harmonic aspects are specializing and bring forth partially or fully developed quintessential elements of the planets involved. The 7th harmonic aspects help us make choices to fulfill our destiny, and the novile series aspects (9th harmonic) represent entry or exit points of periods of gestation which can bring forth possible spiritual developments. The 11th harmonic aspects involve situations where there is a need to transcend and master some form of duality by making a leap of faith.

The various aspects in all these different harmonic series indicate points where the theme of the Whole Cycle becomes clear, whether through major developments or minor refinements in the process. Each aspect shows a phase relationship, specific to the special and unique circumstances of that particular Whole Cycle. It's how we can know when to work, when to play, when to create, when to imagine, when to have faith, and when to mobilize!

If you want to know more about these aspects, when you’re done here please go to The Specializing Aspects Pt. 1 – Quintile, Tredecile, Decile, and Biquintile, The Specializing Aspects Pt. 2 – The Quindecile and Vigintile, and The Spiritual Aspect Series – The Novile, Septile, and Elftile Harmonic Aspects where you’ll find more about the meaning of these aspects and the glyphs associated with them. Also, remember that all of these set up harmonic resonance void points all over our charts.

The Eclipse Factor

We’ve had a long run of Eclipses which continue to affect us. In 2020 we had an abnormal year of 6 eclipses. We had a January Lunar eclipse at 20 Cancer, a June Lunar eclipse at 16 Sagittarius, a Solstice Solar eclipse at 1 Cancer, a July Lunar eclipse at 14 Capricorn, a November Lunar eclipse at 9 Gemini, and a December Solar eclipse at 24 Sagittarius. As all the Lunar eclipses have a duration of a few months, all of these took away parts of our Lunar expression in 2020 and early 2021.

This past year we’ve had 4 Eclipses. The May Lunar eclipse was at 6 Sagittarius, the June Solar eclipse was at 20 Gemini, the last Full Moon was a Lunar eclipse at 28 Taurus, and the last New Moon was a Solar eclipse at 13 Sagittarius. In 2022, we’ll again have 4 eclipses. An April Solar eclipse at 11 Taurus, a May Lunar eclipse at 26 Scorpio, an October Solar eclipse at 2 Scorpio, and a November Lunar eclipse at 17 Taurus. Again, all the Lunar eclipses work over just a few months, while Solar eclipse effects last for years.

As you know, I see all eclipses as “cosmic recyclers” removing what we no longer need in the houses where they occurred. The June 2020 Solstice Solar Eclipse in Cancer marked a change of allegiance for everyone, with hard adjustments and sacrifices for all, while the December 2020 Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius has been removing all which would block our happiness. The June 2021 Gemini eclipse is removing old ideas, while the recent Sag eclipse is removing blocks to our seeing a new identity.

We’re also still experiencing past Solar Eclipse “cosmic recycling” wherever we have 16 Capricorn, 21 Cancer and 19 Leo, due to Eclipses on these degrees. The endings of 2018 and 2019 helped us get organized, explore what success really means to us, and find techniques to let go of prior fixed social roles.

All these Solar Eclipses, along with others, have allowed us to “shed skins” wherever we have 9, 19, and 30 Pisces, 28 Aquarius, 29 Leo, 10 Virgo, and 21 Virgo, as well as the degrees of the recent Eclipses at 1 Cancer, 24 Sagittarius, 20 Gemini and 13 Sagittarius. As you can see, that involves a large part of our charts! You can find out which Solar Eclipses are still showing effects by referring to Astrology in November 2021 - On The Threshold of a Partial Lunar Eclipse at 28 Taurus-Scorpio which lists which Eclipses are done and which are still in play.

A good meditation would be to take a look back at how something related to those points in your chart ended after those Eclipses, and examine how new events, new people, and new life experiences came in those chart areas. All our losses of the past few years associated with these signs have left voids which have attracted, are attracting, or will attract life contents more appropriate to who we are now. Alternately, you may be feeling a void because someone else really isn’t there. Now it’s time to turn to what will nourish you.

Element Balance

This Full Moon features a radical imbalance in element distribution. At this time, of the traditional 10 planets, there are 4 planets in Water, 3 in Earth, 2 in Air, and 1 in Fire signs. This makes Water (Feelings and Experiencing Life on Deep Levels) preponderant, with a diminishing presence of Earth (Practicality and Grounding) and Air (Relatedness and Communications) with the only Fire (Inspiration and Light) provided by the Sun in Aries.

Air and Earth are “cool” elements, while Fire and Water are “hot” elements. With this distribution, it’s perfectly balanced, but with a huge preponderance of Earth and Water. Great for making bricks, but don’t get bogged down in the mud! Air and Earth can be likened to a mountaintop, very arid but grounded with a wide view. Fire and Water are hot springs or a lake inversion. With so much Earth and Water, make your camp in a comfortable forest area with a calming spring nearby with its flowing Water.

The current sequence at present of Deciding, Feeling, and Thinking

We’ve been through several different sequences over the past few months. There are six patterns, and each has their strengths and weaknesses. We are now in a time of shifting patterns due to Venus and Mercury now in direct motion. For now, as a process of moving through events, the most effective “firing sequence” for approaching life and experience over the next two weeks involves leading with our feelings, and then making a decision and/or acting on the basis of that feeling or experience, and then finding a new way of communicating, understanding, or coming to a new vision of what is or what could be.

This pattern feels their way into decisions and actions, but then wants to return to more “playing of hunches.” Instead, after we decide and/or act, it will be important to get new information to come to a new vision or understanding. Once we get the right view or understanding, then a new feeling-experience will naturally arise that points the way to the next action.

So over the next 2 weeks we’ll still be leading with our feelings, then making decisions on the basis of those feeling experiences, followed by new information, new ideas, new interpretations, and new views. We’ll be “feeling our way” into new experiences, then deciding and acting on the basis of those feelings. After a decision or action, then we’ll have to find newer, more up to date information, facts, and understanding so we can get a new vision.

This pattern has a gift for learning and teaching through anecdotes, seeing how others handled things practically, or how you handed things practically in the past. Let your thinking and communicating and envisioning follow your actions, and new feelings will naturally arise from your new understanding, new perception, or new view.

Saturn: Spiritual Master, Spiritual Friend

Because Saturn continues to occupy center stage in its home sign of Aquarius, it continues to be the final dispositor of all planets transiting Capricorn and Aquarius from now through 2023. Though its influence has waned since Jupiter entered Pisces, during the time the inner planets transited Capricorn and Aquarius, Saturn was their ruler and will continue as a somewhat dominant force through April 2022.

Remember that while Saturn can feel heavy, it is also our ability to take command of our lives and destiny by using Saturn’s virtues in the right way and time. Our ability to steer our “ship of personality” into its rightful “role of destiny” has brought us to the threshold of new parts to play on the stage of Life.

We’re still in a long wave period of crystallizing more visionary roles to play in the emergent Aquarian era, and with the dance Saturn and Uranus have done this year, we’ve all had to “square ourselves with reality” as we go where we haven’t gone before. Uranus has awakened us to new roles to play, while Saturn has “lightened up” in Aquarius and prepares to bring us a “new mutation from cosmos.”

I explain how Saturn and Uranus work together to awaken us to our Higher Powers to take command of our destiny in my book Saturn: Spiritual Master, Spiritual Friend. Saturn helps us give form and structure to our quest for Self-realization; in Capricorn, it teaches us how to accept and use personal power within a socially responsible context, while in Aquarius it teaches us how to make a greater contribution to our civilization and come together with others in a great effort “ensouled by a great vision.” Coupled with Uranus having awakened a “new quality of Being rendering the old patterns obsolete,” we are collectively “breaking on through to the other side” into an unfolding Higher awareness.

The book was written for both astrologers and non-astrologers. Even those with little or no understanding of astrology will benefit from understanding why you had to make certain choices at crucial times that shaped your life in profound ways.

Each time you read any section of this book you will find new insights about your power to throw off all the attitudes and memories which hold you back from finding and living the life and purpose. If you’ve haven’t already gotten your copy, you can go to the Saturn: Spiritual Master, Spiritual Friend page on Amazon and this should be all you need to order your copy. It’s also available on Amazon and as an ebook on Kindle, so if that’s more to your liking, go for it! If you would, whether you’ve gotten the ebook or the paperback, please write a review on the Amazon site, since the more reviews, the more of a boost they give it.

Summing it Up

Remember we’re in a period of amplified and expanded feelings, and with four planets now in Pisces, bless and forgive all you need to in order to move things out of the past and into the future. In every situation, show good humor. The next two weeks may require a bit of intuitive tap dancing at the threshold of a new experience, as well as courage to focus your Spiritual Will in specific ways. Everything is still in direct motion, so move forward with confidence, but also compassion as you put the brakes on unproductive habits and people which are deflecting you from your higher purpose.

Destiny is on the move these next two weeks, a promise of unique things to come and a lot of internal conflict bubbling up on to the surface of many lives due to the Octile aspects in play. This is a two week major purification period, so go with your Soul and be lifted to “surer foundations.” Saturn is teaching us that difficult past experiences can be useful teaching examples for others who are struggling with those same issues. We all confront a challenge to transformation in some very high and wide ways, so “let go, let God.”

We are promised a new level of spiritual interactions by Jupiter as Neptune and continue to enjoy a momentary respite from Saturn square Uranus until August, though some of the friction promised by the Jupiter semisquare Uranus does help us deal with any confused Uranian responses we may have. This is a highly specializing and dynamic Lunation, with the need to make sure to manage situations the best we can to prevent them from going to extremes very quickly.

As we continue to develop the potentials indicated by Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius, we’ll see definite movement away from the ideas which dominated the old 200 year Earth Era and see more of the emergent 200 year Air Era launched at the December Solstice. This Aquarian Air Era already began to express via the conjunctions of the inner planets with Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius in January and February 2021, with those pulses renewed this year. The recent conjunctions in Aquarius are giving more momentum to the emerging Air era, especially the Venus conjunction Mars at 1 Aquarius on March 6, reinforcing the themes of the Grand Mutation.

Where these Aquarian conjunctions occurred in our charts show us the way to our long wave metamorphosis as we transition through the beginning of the end of the Age of Pisces, having begun a 33 year period which is a prelude to the Age of Aquarius. This transitional period requires that we ask ourselves certain questions related to our spiritual purpose, fearless as we are One with the World Soul and walk through the world but are not “of” the world.

We have been navigating the final season of humanity’s “liberating ordeal.” All of us have had opportunities to find new inner strengths and powers the past three years, as well as assistance from Devas and Angels who bring “divine help when human efforts seem to fail.” We now are in a time of getting over our preconceptions and cultivating true fellowship.

In the past year, we’ve all reached some level on the “mountaintop” where we’ve found a “fellowship of spiritual Sisters and Brothers” we’re a part of. Demonstrate your skill, and remember that attaining the mountaintop only requires a) that we enjoy the view and accomplishment, and b) the awareness of when to begin the careful descent, since we don’t want to get caught on a mountaintop when lighting clouds are blowing in!

Shedding old skins, we are being released from all which doesn’t serve our momentum into our greater purpose. This is the heart of a global acceleration in transforming those who are part of a greater service and group work. Embrace a new identity, a new love, a new spiritual awareness, and a new spiritual expression in grounded ways, so keep your mind and heart open and keep coordinating your body, feelings, and mind to demonstrate a stable and harmonized Soul energy. That's a great part to play as we dance through life's changes!

A Meditation on Light and Shadow

Because life seems to be a never-ending experience of out-breathing elements of the past and in-breathing elements of the new, it is useful to remember that when we are moving through major changes, and something new is introduced into our lives, it means that something else must leave, or has already left, to provide space for the new to be embraced. And lesser wisdom must give way to greater wisdom, and old forms give way to newer realities. As I’ve offered before “enlightenment” is a verb more than it is a noun.

While sometimes having to say goodbye to older, lesser ways of life can be a drag, it is important to remember that even though life can occasionally be painful, we do not have to suffer. And as we learn to break the link between pain and suffering, we heal our part of humanity and the world.

For your contemplation, a final meditation I offer each month at the end of our Full Moon journey of exploration.

We are Light. All things are composed of Light in various frequencies that express as limitless forms. Some light frequencies are of greater density than others.

All shadows result from light hitting a dense object. Psychological shadows too. Therefore, it’s good to become as translucent and translucid as possible to dispel lurking shadows.

If you must look at and/or deal with shadows, whether your own or another’s, then refocus your Light on the object being illuminated, since that form is the source of the shadow.

Find the correct 4 angles of illuminating whatever you want to focus on, and all shadows will be dispelled. Then you’re seeing things with an illuminated mind, and can act accordingly.

Previous articles about this Full Moon!

The April 2022 Full Moon of 27 Aries-Libra Pt. 1 – Integrity Busting Corrosive Influences

The April 2022 Full Moon of 27 Aries-Libra Pt. 2 – Sabian Symbols Showing the Light of Imagination Expressed Through A Detached Whole View

Reprinted on crystalwind.ca with written permission from Robert Wilkinson. Copying this article to other blogs is strictly prohibited. It is copyright protected. 

© Copyright 2022 Robert Wilkinson


© Copyright 2022 Robert Wilkinson - https://www.aquariuspapers.com

About the author:

Robert wilkinson An internationally-known astrologer, author, public speaker, metaphysician, and futurist, with over 25 years experience as a counselor and educator. He has presented hundreds of public talks on all aspects of Astrology, the Eastern Wisdom tradition, the Western Wisdom tradition and promoted many mass gatherings and cultural events. Some of his specific areas of interest and expertise include personality profiles, degree patterns, integrative astrology, various aspect harmonics, among others.
Source Here

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Reprinted on crystalwind.cawith written persmission from Robert Wilkinson.

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