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The Progressed Moon - Cycles, Symbols, and Secrets

The Progressed Moon - Cycles, Symbols, and Secrets

Continuing yesterday’s theme, because the progressed Moon transits every sign in every house of our chart every 27 years, we can learn a lot about our feeling responses by noting the various transits of the progressed Moon.

As mentioned in the previous article, the progressed Moon shows us our inner state of experiencing life on a day to day, week to week, month to month level of life. It has nothing to do with the outer events which present themselves; it has everything to do with how WE experience those external events. Progressions show our internal response to outer events; transits show us the timing on those events.

I’ve known many friends and clients who always keep track of the sign and degree of their progressed Moons, and there’s widespread affirmation that “atmospheric shifts” when the progressed Moon changes signs. I heard one describe the progressed Moon shift from Aquarius to Pisces as though they got off an airplane and did deep sea diving, moving into and out of every day as though it were a great dream.

One said it felt like a true awakening and quickening when her progressed Moon went into Aries, with a lot of quick action during those months. Then when the progressed Moon went into Taurus, she found herself in very different and much more comfortable living conditions. One client said the progressed Moon in Libra was like living inside a movie, but when it went into Scorpio, it was like living inside a pressure cooker!

Obviously, we each have our own unique ways of responding to progressed Lunar transits through the signs because we each have learned those responses through our personal life experiences. So while the progressed Moon in Scorpio might feel like a pressure cooker with a relentless feeling to go farther, deeper, or more intensely into something, it will manifest productively or destructively based in how we externalize that inner pressure. For one, the progressed Moon in Leo could bring a creative outburst; for another, a focus on the heart and circulation.

It’s the same with the houses. When the progressed Moon is below our personal horizon in houses 1 through 6, we’ve less public and more private, whereas when the progressed Moon is in houses 7 through 12, we’re more public. Each house prepares us for the next house experience, so for example, when the progressed Moon is in our 12th house, we’re “feeling karma” or “feeling our motives” or “capturing the harvest of the past 25 years” since the last time the progressed Moon conjuncted our Ascendant.

The progressed Moon near the Ascendant always brings a reflection or feeling about some need, whether personal or social, which we know we can address. It’s a direct experience of our progressed “nurturer” with our self-image. That begins a 27 year cycle of Self, just like when the progressed Moon conjuncts our natal Jupiter it begins a 27 year cycle of adventure or expansion in some way. And in that 27 year span, the progressed Moon makes every aspect to that planet, and every other planet it conjuncts. Each have their own unique 27 year cycle which unfolds according to the Moon phase patterns discussed yesterday.

Many have observed the accuracy of the Sabian Symbol themes as the progressed Moon moves between the various “scenes” and 5 degree segments of the symbols. While it may seem a lot to keep track of, and often we don’t get a clear sense of how a given symbol is manifesting, it’s still a good exercise to track the movement of the progressed Moon through time and signs to see the “atmospheric changes” from year to year.

I have noted atmospheric shifts in my own life as my progressed Moon moves through the various 5 and 15 degree segments of the zodiac. Of course, as the Moon rules the 12th in my chart, it works out in different ways than it would if the Moon were the ruler of my 1st, 2nd, or any other house.

The Lunar Return

The progressed Moon makes long wave cycles with every other planet in our charts as it moves from conjunction through the waxing aspects to the opposition, and the following waning aspects to the next conjunction. So each planet has its own 27 year cycle of the Moon making a conjunction with that planet.

For the Moon, since it returns to its natal place at 27 and 54/55, if we live a normal adult life we’ll have at least 2 and often 3 entire progressed Lunar Returns in our life. These are points in time where we have a complete reset of our emotional defaults, moving us toward a different way of experiencing life which conditions the Saturn returns which follow between 2-4 years later.

The Lunar return gives us a very personal sense of what we need, what we no longer need, what we care about, and how we want to experience life that is both similar and different than what we’ve known up to then. For some, it’s an awakening of their ability to care for themselves and others in new ways; for others, it’s a time to turn away from that which no longer nourishes our deepest needs.

I discuss the importance of the progressed Moon cycles and how they relate to transiting Saturn cycles in my book Saturn: Spiritual Master, Spiritual Friend. As we understand the “whole cycle” of the life-long dance between transiting Saturn and our progressed Moon, we come out of fear and find a sense of how we are evolving toward our emotional power to express our highest Self. It will certainly help you understand why you were different at 30 than you were at 26, and why you were different at 59 than you were at 54.

As we become more aware of the ever-changing position of our progressed Moon, we become more aware of how we are moving our emotional perspective as a result of inner changes related to the sign, decan, face, and degree our progressed Moon is in. The aspects it makes in its various cycles show us when we’re beginning a new Venusian form of emotional expression, or at a turning point in a new Jupiter form of emotional expression. We can know when to curb our Mars, or expand our Saturn. We can understand why we feel differently about things than we did even 6 months ago, and why we feel as we do.

So check in with your progressed Moon’s position from time to time. It can help you understand why your emotional frame of reference changes every two to two and a half years, as well as the crucial turning points in your experience as you move through the progressed Moon’s 27 year cycles.

Reprinted on crystalwind.ca with written permission from Robert Wilkinson. Copying this article to other blogs is strictly prohibited. It is copyright protected. 

© Copyright 2023 Robert Wilkinson


© Copyright 2023 Robert Wilkinson - https://www.aquariuspapers.com

About the author:

Robert wilkinson An internationally-known astrologer, author, public speaker, metaphysician, and futurist, with over 25 years experience as a counselor and educator. He has presented hundreds of public talks on all aspects of Astrology, the Eastern Wisdom tradition, the Western Wisdom tradition and promoted many mass gatherings and cultural events. Some of his specific areas of interest and expertise include personality profiles, degree patterns, integrative astrology, various aspect harmonics, among others.
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