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New Moon in Virgo: Self-Overcoming Insights: Council of Overseers

New Moon in Virgo: Self-Overcoming Insights: Council of Overseers

Self -Overcoming. Becoming more. This is your evolution. 

You are here to do this and this Universe exists as the interface for your overcoming any and all resistances to the obstacles to your gaining power. Every time you overcome an obstacle you gain greater inner power. This power is over oneself. This is not about power over others. Your evolution is dependant on your overcoming the self.

On Monday September 2nd, 2024, at 10:55 pm ADT we have a powerfully activating New Moon in Virgo that will initiate within you (potentially) any or all obstacles to this gaining power within. This equates to your very transcendence and evolution.

Please do check your local New Moon clock time, so that you may be aware of this transition that is coming through this powerful New Moon.

After all, you are a BEING that already knows all that it can be throughout the Universe. The part and role here on Earth is to overcome the self part that exists in consciousness travelling through this Earth experience. We are all passing through.

The New Moon is opposite Saturn which may activate the forces to draw out those obstacles within you. This may be uncomfortable, facing fears insecurities and doubts. Once you overcome some, you automatically are at another level of your evolution. Mars square Neptune also will activate these hidden fears and bring them to the forefront of your awareness. This is a process all will go through. Call it your evolution, your self actualization, your transcendence, your becoming or your ascension. All those words point to what you are in the process of. You know deep down and eternally which this is referring to you. Becoming consciously aware of being all that you are, with all of the chains of fear and doubt, being released. So that the real you is one with your body and one with your conscious awareness.

You can do this! More importantly you will. One way or the other. Going with the flow makes so many things easier. Resistance is the painful part. Freedom and Bliss is the result.

So this is it! Present here now with the Divine Help of the orchestrating levels of consciousness that are leading us all on the evolutionary path. With the Divine Council of overseers, we bless your sacred path to freedom, to self -overcoming. To becoming all that you ARE ALREADY ~ all now, in perfect love.


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Here I Am ~ Here you Are ~ Here We Are ~And So it is!
Always Feeling You, Always with you in The Divine Sacred Light of All That Is!!!
L’Aura Pleiadian™
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