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Cosmic Kryst Reborn: Completion Reaches New Heights!

Cosmic Kryst Reborn: Completion Reaches New Heights!

We have learned all the lessons we came here for on this level of the game and are now ready to fully exit, reset the operating system and start all over again!

This is all about us becoming super conscious of what we truly believe in, and expect to happen and unfold, as this is what co-creates our realities! What we focus our energy, time and lifeforce on, resist, judge, fight or try to avoid, we help co-create.

But first, you have to accept and internalise that you are the creator of reality and that you hold the power to shift it from deep inside of you and stop giving your power to others. Otherwise, your own unconscious shadow will continue to direct your life and you'll call it fate.

This is all about us fully reclaiming our Superpowers and the infinite Abundance they represent and fully realise them, as we believe in their worth and value and treat them with the highest respect, which also includes your lifeforce and the energy and focus and time we spent. This is what supports and co-creates the realities we wish to experience.

But you have to become fully conscious and get to KNOW THY True SELF, and own all parts of it to unify all of your multidimensional fractals and aspects as One whole, from deep within you.

To reclaim the true power you held within you all along you have to believe in yourself and your worth!!!

Writing all new storylines and being the masters of our own destiny, for now we can create whatever we can imagine, as we have returned to, and surrendered to our God-Self, where we're always in alignment with God's Truth and Will. For it is our will now also.

Now all that was built on fear crumbles and dissolves rapidly to REVEAL THE TRUTH based on pure Love.

For Divine Love has conquered all!

For the true new Solar Cosmic Kryst Consciousness and Divine Masculine rising is the real event and it has already happened and is here now, completing our ascend out of the false Matrix constructs.

On the 6th of August I was shown and guided to help bring the Golden Kryst Child to Earth, which was shown to me as the true Triple Solar Masculine energies and Christ/ Kryst / Cosmic Consciousness having been fully anchored and now fully returned, which is what The Collective Awakening & Disclosure is all about.

Washing away and absolving any perceived 'sins" and karmic load the Masculine principle was still carrying, as part of his baptism and rebirth process. Symbolising the return of The Sun King and Solar Consciousness. With the King of King's being anointed by The Queen of Queen's. The Christos-Sophia and New Cosmic Kryst Blueprint are fully cleared of all remaining reversals, karmic load and miasma.

This is also connected to the return of the second sun!

As the two suns are about to shine as ONE again!

I was also shown the remaining gender reversals and bi-wave spectrum were fully cleared, healed and overwritten, with the Holy Trinity Wave and Flame having been fully ignited inside of the hearts of the Forerunners.

Now the scales of true Divine Justice come back as we return the Truth that us everlasting and with it balance. As we no longer give to those that don't give back to us, as we respect and value our lifeforce, gifts and Superpowers too much to just give them away for free and where they're not appreciated and reciprocated.

The importance of balancing service to self and service to others, as well as respecting and valuing our own energy/ time/ attention/ lifeforce is being highlighted, for when this is not in harmony, we feel depleted and resentful, which makes us feel tired, drained and leads to imbalances in other areas of our life's and can affect us deeply.

Now we embody a conscious state of being where we never feel like we're too much and always more than enough. Sourcing our sense of worth from deep inside our own beingness and connection to Source. All else comes from here. This allows us to feel truly supported by life and safe in our physical bodies.

For we remember that for us to be living a more balanced life and increase the levels of abundance we can access now, that we all need the support of our Tribe and people around us, for no one is an island upon themselves. We're meant to live with our Tribes and Family. It's a bit part of what contributes to our quality of life, health, level of happiness and enjoyment.

Through our own soul retrieval process completing now, we are calling forth our Cosmic Family Re-Union and support! We are blending, sliding into, unifying and merging our consciousness fully with the reality where it's already so!

Us already home on New Earth surrounded by our Soul Tribe and Beloveds now!

This moment now is all we ever have and about being either all in or all out, of whatever you're into and wanting to co-create and access!

No more sitting on fences and playing small and limited!!

We all have to claim and respect our own worth and the value of our time, attention, and sharing of our gifts and supernatural abilities and Superpowers, the infinite Abundance that we are, the healing vibe and energy we emit, to access the infinite abundance that we are!!

For we remember that this is an inside-out creation and that we create all from within the Self!!

No more giving our power away to no one and nothing outside of us, to feel truly capable of creating and manifesting the realities we wish to create now with all the interference patterns, blocks and spells fully dissolving in the field!!

But you have to FULLY SURRENDER ALL OF YOU TO SOURCE to know what is truly possible now, and to be in true alignment with God's Truth, Divine Will and the Law of One!

You have to die upon your false limited ego self right now and only seek enlightenment and ascension as if your life depends on it. For it does!!

Allow yourself to sacrifice yourself to Source and your inner hearts guidance and give it all up, to allow the Holy Spirit to fulfil you completely and take over, to become fully free whilst in a body!!

Us doing the right thing whilst no one is watching, no matter what anyone thinks, is what heals all now, and aligns our own Blueprint.

For we remember that all are part of The One, of Source, and that it is true love that binds us together, beyond space and time and all illusions of separation, where we feel fully safe and supported, liberated and free to be our real true self, all at once!

The best of all new free worlds is being fully revealed and made manifest now, as we align ourselves from deep within our real raw true honest, authentic, Sovereign, FREE God-Self, and master the shapeshifting of our realities, as we keep shifting the way we look at everything!

The Collective Consciousness paradigm shift and quantum leap back to our New Eden and heavenly realities are here now as we become fully cognizant of what real true freedom and reality are made of, and then project that out!


Eternal Love,



Ramona Lappin:
Divine Love, Explorer of Consciousness, Reprogrammer, Visionary, Guide, Energy & Sound Healer, Mummy.
All of my transmissions are encoded with Multidimensional Ascension keys and codes that are intended to assist you on your journey.

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