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Akatu: Short Positive Mantras - Pleiadian Collective

 Akatu: Short Positive Mantras - Pleiadian Collective


Beloved Friends Indeed!

Find Humor As You Journey!

Regardless Of The Mindset Of Another!

Dance Your Way Down The Path And The Variable Of Greater Light Will Open!


In These Moments We Will Address The Many Aspects Of Feeling, Thoughts, Emotions, And Change That All Humans Experience.

This Is The Method Of Learning.

You Always Have A Choice!


Be Assured That You Are Moving Toward The Great Shift Every Moment!

Consider This Teaching A Review And Reminder To Assist You In Great Love!

Indeed, It Is My Honor!


To Release All Negative Energy In The Body Form, Realize The Body Is A Reflection Of The Subconscious Mind.

Indeed, What Is Really Running This Story Of You?

The Subconscious!

This Is What You Believe!

Most Of What You Act On Without Thinking Is Your Programming!

Let’s Change Thoughts And Beliefs To Mirror Who You Really Are!


The Best Moments To Reprogram Without Distraction Are As You Are Waking From Deep Sleep And As You Are Drowsy And Still Able To Think Before Going To Sleep!

This Is Theta, Where Hypnotic Suggestions Can Be Accepted If They Are Believed.

Once You Enter Delta Waves, You Are Asleep.

Prepare Short Positive Mantras Or Thoughts To Think In Conscious Awareness With The Intent To Bring Power And Change To Your Life!


These Can Be As Simple As, ‘I Am Well And Strong,’ ‘My Body Is Healthy,’ ‘My Immune System Is Perfect,’ ‘I Am Love,’ ‘Thank You God For Bringing To Me NOW, All That Is Good.’

Each Person May Have A Specific Change To Make But Remember To Think Or Say The Words As Though It Is Done!

Never Speak Or Think An ‘If’ Request!

You Will Create What You Think And Believe!


As We Speak Of The Slumbering Sleep, We Will Now Address, ‘Dreaming Awake.’

All Of You Are Living A Waking Dream.

But Let’s Go Deeper.

Many Among You Are ‘Awake’ Within The Dream.

Some Are Awakening And Others Are Fully Awake.


Being Completely Awake Means The Person Is Experiencing Life With Multidimensional Perception.

All Are Living In The Quantum Field Where All Is Connected.

Some Call This The Mind Of God.

In Truth, All Creation Is Holographic, But In What You Understand In 3-D Is Duality.


So, Let’s Return To Understand The Experience Of The Ones With Multidimensional Perception.

These Are The Seers, The Avatars, The Masters, Angels, Fairies And Many Incarnated Pleiadians.


There Are Humans Among You That Travel Astrally, Have Contact And Interaction With Those Of Other Galactic Races, Their Home Planet, Their Pleiadian Family, Angels And Fairies.

To These That Opened Slowly Or Suddenly, The Experience Can Be Both Beautiful And Overwhelming.

Each Human Might Wish For This To Be, But It Has Been Decided Before Your Arrival If You Would Reach This Depth.


Some Humans Have Been The Most Unlikely To Live In Many Places, But Those That Are Heart Based Will Understand This.

Living In Many Places Means One Is Able To Close Their Eyes And Be Anywhere They Choose.

They Speak Telepathically With Guides, Family Of Origin, See Color, Light And Depth Perception In Complete Darkness.


They Can See Through Their Body With Eyes Closed And Enjoy The Night As Lights Are Turned Off And Eyes Closed, The Viewing Is Crystal Clear And Vivid Colors Of The Cosmos Become Their Playground.

Fairies Know Them Well And Bring Gifts Of Love.

Indeed, We Are Family!


We Have Come To Usher In The Grand Shift For All To Return To Their True State Of Being!

You Are Light!

You Are Love!

Remember Who You Are!

Do Not Allow This Waking Dream Or The Duality To Deter You From Your Purpose!

Find Your Peace Within!


The Crafts Are Becoming More Clear In Your Awareness!

Bring Them In With Focus!

Transcend All Perceived Obstacles!

Nothing Can Stop You!

I Am AKATU And I Love You So!

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