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The Elohim: The Sacred Flames of Creation

The Elohim: The Sacred Flames of Creation

We are now at the moment in time where the Sacred Flames of Creation are being brought to our attention! 

What are the Sacred Flames of Creation?  They are the coloured light rays that are flooding our existence daily and while they seem to be “new”, they have actually always been here, coming to us since the beginning of time, from the Source of All-That-Is.

Our awareness of these energies is the first step in recognizing how creation may occur, but of course this means that we must not only be aware of their existence, but it behooves us now to be open to and accepting of  their role in our very own creations. 

The Elohim recently said this:

“The Great Rays of the Ages, of the Creation, are flooding Gaia from the Source of All-That-Is!  They are not in any way new to this expression – perhaps only new to You, through your newly raised awareness!  As You, the Masters of this Creation, move forward along your paths of evolution, notice that the wisdom of the Rays is imparted, one Ray at a time! It is with great love that we see Humanity opening its heart to these Divine Rays of God-Source, for it is remembered, and honoured, that these sacred teachings from the Source unfold as light transmissions! The transmissions have come to you in an apparent haphazard fashion, but it is the case that everything comes in perfect order as All is interlinked in perfect harmony, like a beautiful symphonic piece that has each instrument and each voice as separate expressions, then when woven together in perfect harmony they create the masterpiece called the Symphony, created from trillions of tonal events, tonal frequencies, which when brought together make a statement of love, of reflection, not only on the individual elements but on those creating the whole, in Unison.

Your experience has afforded you great knowledge of many flames, many more that the seven flames to which you now apply your attention.

Notice that the teachings began initially with the Platinum Ray and have continued through the various colours of Gold, White, Violet, Royal Blue, Yellow, Violet-Gold, Rose-Pink and to the recent experience with the Emerald Green Ray. 

Why all these Rays? What is their role?

Each ray, each component, together, completes the juggernaut, the puzzle of life, the puzzle called your reality!

Through the use of these Rays you move into your expanded roles as Creators, as you hold the focus upon these flames, each in correlation to the energetic centre that holds each light frequency.

And when you look at these Flames in the same light, they each represent one side, one aspect of the fuller awareness that one must hold in order to create the stunning tapestry!  It takes many Rays to make a rainbow!

These Rays are energies of great power, of full consciousness and of the perfection of All-That-Is, and AS awakened Humans and Creator Gods, you are able to draw in the energy, the frequencies, as colours.  Your Human vessels are able to actively see colours with the physical eyes, perceive colours with the Third Eye, Imagine colour with the Mind, and Feel Colour with your heart!  It is through the engagement of all levels of your beautiful electromagnetic vessels that you are able to create instantly upon the multi-dimensional landscape!” 

The Agarthans have also come forward to stress the importance and necessity of using these flames within the context of our roles as Light Warriors, but not from the perspective of creation as the Elohim emphasize, but from the simple standpoint that the use of these flames is the Foundation to our ascension!  

Ahnahmar of Telos stated recently: 

“The Sacred Flames are the keys to your success as Masters of Light!  With these flames you shall cleanse and purify your body, your mind and your spirit system, and once complete, your manifestation through the use of these flames shall leap one million fold into a most beautiful creation of perfectly ordered moments.

There is one more thing:  Mastery of the seven sacred flames is the foundation to your ascension!  Each flame represents one area of purification not only at the Soul level but also and most importantly at the ego-mind level!  As each flame’s lesson is perfected and internalized, one moves quickly up the scale of mastery in preparation for the Ascension.”

Whether we are focused on creation, ascension, or perhaps both, the time has come to make the leap in consciousness to acknowledge these beautiful living light energies, knowing they carry their own signature, and have their own realm of influence and purpose for being. 

We must know that they were created for the purpose of creation, just as we were.

As our awareness expands to observe and perhaps feel the flames (rays) of creation, we then naturally make the leap in consciousness that invites our focus upon these flames.  We may find that we first focus with our minds, as we imagine the colour.  Then we imagine, with our minds, the location of the flame in terms of which chakra it is associated with, and since we have some background understanding of each chakra, it is then easy for us to attribute our knowledge to the kinds of strengths that colour will carry, and what role the Ray itself will have in our creations.  

The creation with these flames is undoubtedly a complex skill, but we are up to the task!  We have phenomenal electromagnetic bodies that were built for creation! As we engage our body/mind/spirit systems through the use of our physical eyes, our Third Eyes, our mind’s imagination, our emotional body to fuel the visual information and our I AM Presence to infuse the God Energy, we can purify our selves at the deepest quantum levels.  All disease is related to energetic blockages within the physical, emotional and mental body systems. The healing in all of these areas primes us for spiritual growth and therefore the evolution that is expected of us now in order to meet the demands of the ascension.

The Elohim: The Sacred Flames of Creation

We have to learn to HOLD light, and to MOVE light because we ultimately Create with Light!

Several Flames have come to me over the past 3 years in a unique order – I will present them by Colour:

THE GOLD RAY – Represents the Gold Christed Light; Also known as THE FLAME OF RESURRECTION; Energy Centre is the Solar Plexus;

THE WHITE RAY – Represents the Pure, Whole Christ Consciousness; Also known as THE ASCENSION FLAME OF PURIFICATION; Energy Centre is the Root Chakra;

THE YELLOW RAY – Represents the illumination of the mind, wisdom through balanced discernment and the application of love; Also known as THE FLAME OF ILLUMINATION; Energy Centre is the Crown Chakra;

THE VIOLET RAY – Represents the true science of transmutation through Alchemy and leads to true Freedom, on ALL levels; Also known as THE VIOLET FLAME OF TRANSMUTATION; Energy Centre is the Soul Chakra where the I AM PRESENCE resides, about 30 feet above our heads;

THE BLUE RAY – Represents protection and faith in the Will of God/ Source/ All-That-Is; Also known as THE FLAME OF THE WILL OF GOD; Energy Centre is the Throat Chakra;

THE PINK RAY – Represents compassion and true unconditional love; Also known as THE FLAME OF COSMIC LOVE; Energy Centre is the Heart Chakra;

THE EMERALD GREEN RAY – Represents Healing on all levels; Also known as THE FLAME OF HEALING AND MANIFESTATION; Energy Centre is the Third Eye;

There is one NEW RAY which has graced our world:

THE GOLD-VIOLET RAY – A Foundational Ray as it represents active/ immediate cleansing, healing and manifestation of all events through the application of a fully conscious awareness within this flame, for the Highest Good of All Involved;  An Omniscient Energy; An Omnipresent Life Force; A gift from the Central Sun, ALCYONE

I have begun to use all of these Rays together, in a RAINBOW RAY, wrapping them up finally in a velvet coat of VIOLET-GOLD. I call it Violet-Gold because to my eyes, the Violet is predominant.

The BEST reference I have found regarding this information is in the book: THE SEVEN SACRED FLAMES written by Aurelia Louise Jones. It is a fully comprehensive channeling of Adama and others from Telos.  It speaks directly to our ascension through the mastery of these flames. If there is any One thing to Do, it is to study this book from cover to cover, internalize it and ascend from the gifts that it has imparted to us!

I send each of you all my love as you make your journey of creation into the Ascension!

by Carla Thompson

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