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2014 Libra Full Moon And Total Lunar Eclipse


Dale Osadchuk

15 April 2014 at 3.43am EDT
12.43am PDT and 7.43am GMT

As Snowy Owl and Shooting Star climbed the path to the Star Temple the night air was mild. It had been warm in the North Country for the past few days and the long winter snows had melted. Although this was the Budding Trees Time the Standing Ones had not yet awakened from their long sleep. The sisters hoped tonight’s Full Moon message would indicate that the spring season was about to blossom and the greening would begin.

But they were also concerned they would not be able to see Sister Moon on this special Full Moon as the Cloud People covered the night sky. Earlier they had been to the Shaman’s Cave to ask his insights about this Moon Ceremony and he told them Sister Moon, who usually appeared silver in her full face, would be crimson orange as this was a total eclipse when Luna entered the shadow of the Earth. Snowy Owl and Shooting Star silently prayed asking the Cloud People to clear so Sister Moon could show herself in all her splendour.

sister-moonWhen the sisters were settled in the Star Temple they heard a soft voice speaking. As they looked into the night sky they saw Sister Moon appear orangey red as she emerged from behind the Cloud People. Their silent prayers had been heard. “In the far away time” Sister Moon said “some two leggeds call this Blood Moon because of the colour. It is associated with negativity and fear. That is totally a misunderstanding. As I journey through the Earth Mother’s shadow I bring messages of integration, balance, and peace for all humankind. This Full Moon is about finding inner harmony so outer balance will be achieved and harmony restored to all of Mother Earth’s Kingdoms especially that of the two leggeds.”

Sister Moon continued “This Full Moon completes the lessons of the last six moon cycles.  You, the two leggeds, have been learning to release fear and limitation so you can become your authentic selves and help to build the New Earth. Some of you have been successful and others have not. The Planetary Council of twelve has a special plan in the time between now and the next New Moon that will require an awakening of those who are still asleep. Great Mystery has approved the plan so DIVIVE LIGHT will once again prevail. The time is now. It is up to each of you to shine your light so those still in the dark can find their way to THE LIGHT AND AWAKEN.”

Sister Moon fell silent as she disappeared behind the Cloud People but Snowy Owl and Shooting Star felt the power of her message long after they left the Star Temple. They knew they must share it so awakening would begin.


I love these stories. I have said many times I do not really write them Great Mystery sends them through me. This Total Lunar Eclipse is visible in North and South America and parts of Australia and New Zealand. I was going to stay up to see the Red Moon but it looks like the Cloud People are not going to co-operate here in southern Ontario. Fortunately I have seen a Total Lunar Eclipse before and I know how spectacular and powerful it is. This one is activating my natal Mercury so it is time for me to “change my thoughts” and transform my life. That is my focus for this Full Moon. What is yours? Between now and the Taurus New Moon Solar Eclipse of April 29 focus on what you want to transform. That New Moon will ask you to strengthen what is of value and importance in your life and release what is not. It influences us until October 2014.

The planetary ruler for the Libra Moon is Venus at 10 degrees Pisces. She is currently travelling with Neptune (illusion or illumination) and Chiron (healing) also in Pisces (oneness) and they are all sextile (ease and opportunity) with Pluto in Capricorn (Soul Purpose) and trine (ease and harmony) Jupiter in Cancer (spiritual vision).  That is the good news so it will be important to focus on healing, peace and harmony in the weeks leading up to the Solar Eclipse. 


Now for the Whammy!!!  The planetary ruler for the Sun in Aries is Mars Rx at 16 degrees of Libra. The god of war (Mars) or the Peaceful Warrior (Libra) is in the range of forming the Cardinal Grand Cross (breaking out of the box) that will be most potent April 20 to 23 so this is a preview. Mars is square Pluto Rx at 13 degrees Capricorn (transformed society) and Jupiter at 12 degrees Cancer (spiritual homeland). We all know the conflict that has been happening in the world is now escalating. Will Mars retrograde be the catalyst for further conflict?  The answer is No only the human ego’s need for power will create that. Fortunately Mars Rx is in opposition to Uranus (breakthrough) and Mercury (the mind) conjunct at 13 degrees Aries (new beginnings). Mercury in Aries is the Soul Centered ruler of the Sun at this Lunation so hopefully the Uranus/Mercury conjunction will be the catalyst for inspired new beginnings and personal freedom. April 20 to 23 is a turning point for the world.   


The Animal Totems who guide us for the Full Moon in Libra are Crow. Sacred Law and fairness for all, and Raven, the magic of the Mysteries. For the Sun in Aries our guides are Falcon, clear vision, and Red Tailed Hawk, spiritual messages. The Clan Mother for the Moon in Libra is Weaves The Web, she is the guardian of the creative force and teaches us to release the old and make space for the new.  For the Sun in Aries it is Looks Far Woman. She is the guardian of the Golden Door of Illumination and teaches us to see the truth in all things. For more insight see The 13 Original Clan Mothers or Earth Medicine both by Jamie Sams. 

This Full Moon asks us to find harmony in our worlds by balancing the active assertive Yang energy (Sun in Aries) with intuitive and receptive Yin energy (Moon in Libra). Libra is found on the Tarot Constellation of The High Priestess; principle of balanced judgment through Intuitive awareness. Pluto (transformation) and the Moon (wisdom) are also part of this Constellation. The Aries Sun activates the Tarot Constellation of The Emperor; life force and power. Scorpio (transformation) and Uranus (breakthrough) are also part of this Constellation. Great Mystery has provided all we need to transform and breakthrough the human kingdom just needs to wake up.


Moon in Libra is active on the 3rd Ray of Divine Mind and Intelligence with Archangels Chamuel, healing through Divine Love, and Charity, gratitude, guiding us. The Sun in Aries is active on the 7th Ray of Invocation and Ceremonial Magic. Our Archangel guides are Zadkiel, the angel of Invocation and Prayer, and Amethyst, the angel of Divine Light and Forgiveness. Together they are the Keepers of the Violet Flame of Ascension and Transmutation. Aries is also found on the 1st Ray of Divine Will and Power with Archangels Michael, Divine Protection and Spiritual Guide, and Faith, belief in the Divine Self. As always Great Mystery gives us everything we need to remember who we really are and be the change we want to see in the world.

I wish everyone a gentle journey to THE LIGHT.

Red Moon blessings,                                                              



Here is the outline for the Moon phases and planetary activations until the Taurus New Moon Eclipse on April 29. All times are 75 west longitude EDT. I post more information on my Facebook timeline every day or two. You can also find my articles on www.crystalwind.ca

Libra/Aries Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse- April 15- 3.43am EDT- This is the Red Moon. Focus on inner balance and harmony in relationship

Moon enters Scorpio- April 15- 12.20pm EDT- focus on healing and transformation

Moon enters Sagittarius- April 17- 5.44pm EDT- focus on your spiritual vision

Sagittarius Disseminating Moon- April 18- 5.37pm EDT- share your spiritual vision

Moon enters Capricorn- April 19- 9.28pm EDT- focus on your Soul Purpose path

Sun enters Taurus- April 19- 11.56pm EDT- focus on what is of true value in your life

Jupiter in Cancer square Uranus in Aries- April 20- 3.29am EDT- Jupiter in Cancer opposite Pluto in Capricorn- 7.26pm EDT- Moon in Capricorn square Uranus in Aries- 8.27pm EDT- conjunct Pluto Rx in Capricorn- 8.32pm EDT- opposite Jupiter in Cancer- 8.32pm EDT- square Mars Rx in Libra- 9.56pm EDT- this is a day to expect the unexpected and prepare to make significant changes in your life

Uranus in Aries square Pluto Rx in Capricorn- April 21- 3.21pm EDT- focus on transformation and breakthrough

Moon enters Aquarius- April 22- 12.18am EDT- focus on your gifts to give the world 

Aquarius Fourth Quarter Moon- April 22- 3.52am EDT- Mars Rx in Libra square Jupiter in Cancer- 3.28pm EDT- focus on realignment and revision especially when it comes to relationship and family dynamics

Mars Rx in Libra opposite Uranus in Aries- April 23- 3.08am EDT- Mars Rx in Libra square Pluto Rx in Capricorn- 9.38am EDT- this repeats the energy of April 20. Expect the unexpected

Moon enters Pisces- April 24- 2.55am EDT- focus on your spiritual vision and connection to the Mystical

Pisces Balsamic Moon- April 25- 1.37pm EDT- this is the healing, forgiveness, completion and release phase. Let go and flow.

Moon enters Aries- April 26- 6.01am EDT- focus on the seeds you planted at the Aries New Moon. Have they sprouted yet? How are your new beginnings?

Moon in Aries opposite Mars Rx in Libra- April 27- 3.28am EDT- square Pluto Rx in Capricorn- 5.27am EDT- conjunct Uranus in Aries- 6.01am EDT- square Jupiter in Cancer- 7.02am EDT- this ends the strongest effects of the Cardinal Grand Cross of April. Hopefully we are all still alive. Now it is time to thrive.

Taurus New Moon Solar Eclipse- April 29- 2.15am EDT- focus on what is of true value and importance in your life. This New Moon eclipse influences us until Oct 23.

Dale Osadchuk is an Artist, Spiritual Astrologer, and Transformational Counsellor and is available for consultations in Sharon (just north of Newmarket) Ontario, Canada in person or by telephone. You can contact her at her cell number 905-589-0192. To receive her brochure of Astrological Sessions, New Moon Meditation Schedule or to be added to her free New Moon list contact her at   you can also find Dale on www.facebook.com and www.crystalwind.ca

© 2014 Dale Osadchuk

You are welcome to share this Moon information with others. Please send it in its entirety with Dale’s contact information. Thank you.

Reprinted with permission.

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