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Recalibrate Your Perspectives by Mother Mary


With new vibrations anchoring into the Earth and awakening from your being with each day, a frequency of simplicity is rising akin to a phoenix from the flames to attract and draw your attention. The vibration of simplicity present due to the greater anchoring of light brings forth a new valuable wisdom and a new perspective with which to observe yourself and your reality. With all the many shifts and awakening occurring within your being at this tremendous period of cleansing and purifying in order to resonate in greater oneness with the Creator, simplicity brings you back to your centre. 

Many of you may experience the presence of your centre, core, essence or soul, whatever you wish to label it, with greater power and resonance. Those who are shifting beliefs and perspectives which no longer serve them may find it difficult to return to their centres, they may feel as if they have lost their centres, as if it has been misplaced and can longer be found in the same space as usual. This is because your entire being is recalibrating, your essence, the core of your being, is expanding therefore it takes a larger, more expansive and open perspective to recognise the core of your being once more.

With each process and practice of light and love you as a soul and spiritual being are recalibrating. This means your essence is transforming, expanding and becoming empowered within your being, akin to your essence growing up into adulthood. Sometimes when you have known a person from birth you have to move through processes of changing your perspective in order to recognise the person as their true self. For example, you may still recognise the person as a child even though they are a teenager, or you may still perceive the person as a teenager while they are a fully mature adult. Most of the time the mind wishes to continue to perceive you, your reality and others as they once were, because it feels safer to do so, therefore you are unwilling to acknowledge the new transformations and growth. In order to recognise expansion and evolution within yourself and others there is a need to let go of the old perspectives and the old structures or facts of how life is or has been. Due to the accelerated growth you are experiencing and guiding, there is a need to let go of your perspectives of yourself and reality, recalibrating them so you may acknowledge the expansion which has taken place within your being to find your new centre once more.

Are you ready to see, sense and acknowledge yourself and others anew, no longer placing yourself and others in restrictions and limitations of the past and even the present?

Recalibrating your perspectives is to dissolve your attachments to your viewpoints of yourself, others and your reality in order to recognise the continuously transforming centre, soul or essence within you.

If there is an unwillingness to let go of current perspectives then it could be akin to treating yourself like a child when you are embodying adulthood; frustration, anger and rebellion may manifest as a result. It is time to make a promise to yourself of seeing, sensing and acknowledging yourself as your truth during this powerful period of recalibration, expansion and new understandings of self.

‘With courage, peace and love I now choose to recognise greater aspects of my truth, easily discovering my centre and soul as I move through a beautiful process of recalibrating my viewpoints. This will only enhance with vibration of love and truth within my being. I ask Mother Mary and my community of guides to be my guiding light, in every moment lead me back to my centre, my soul, for further acceptance and recognition of my true self. Thank you.’

Please know you are never alone as you move through processes of transformation, you can always invoke your guides or any light being you feel a connection with to guide you back to your soul and centre of your being. It is akin to asking to be brought back to the truth and essence of your being when you may find yourself lost on a dark pathway or engulfed in old perspectives. When you are experiencing pain and suffering, feel hopeless or helpless, or are engaged in a uncomfortable manifestation within your reality, ask to be returned to your centre, your soul, so you can see the truth of your being once more.

As I shared, from the flames of transformation the phoenix of simplicity arises, this is to again encourage you to return to your soul, to rest in the peace and love of your soul and essence. This new energy invites you to see, sense and perceive everything in simple ways in order to enhance your inner strength, to rejuvenate your being and to aid the release of fear. Sometimes with transformation comes a feeling of being overwhelmed which is born from fear, with the presence and acceptance of simplicity fear can be dissolved. Whether you feel centred or wish to return to the core of your being you may wish to experience the vibrations of simplicity:

‘Mother Mary and my community of guides, I call upon your assistance, love and protection, please enhance my senses and experiences in this moment so I may fully connect with the vibration of simplicity and the truth of my soul in its continuous process of expansion and transformation within my being. Please guide me in returning to the centre of my being and soul to recognise the continuous growth and expansion occurring within my being while dissolving all perspectives which hinder my recognition of my truth.

As I connect and place my attention within my soul I am aware of the flames of truth, love and peace of my soul burning bright within my being. I allow myself to perceive the full expansion, strength and love of my being.

(Enjoy this sensation for a few moments)

I now activate from within my truth and soul the vibration, energy and consciousness of simplicity to rise like a phoenix from my soul showering simplicity over and through my entire being, bringing forth a renewed truthful perspective of myself and soul. I am more connected and aware of my soul now than ever before, I feel as if I have returned home within my physical body, fully connected to and able to accept all that is the truth of the Creator as it flows from and through my being. Thank you.’

(Enjoy the experience and the recalibration of your perceptives for as long as feels appropriate. You may experience blessings, healing, wisdom or awakening occurring from within your being.)

Your reality is a complete process of creation, it is akin to a creative project which you have the ability to constantly transform, shift and recalibrate in order to satisfy and bring pleasure to yourself and your soul. As you allow for recalibration to take place within your being and especially within your perspectives you make it possible to recalibrate your reality at any given moment. This is a powerful service for the ascension of humanity and the Earth. Imagine each person on the Earth is singing a song, as everyone creates from the truth of their being, which is to bring forth your soul and the Creator vibrations to exist in your physical being and reality, then everyone begins to sing the same song, singing in harmony. The beauty created on the Earth would be immense as every person created from their truth the reality they wished to experience existing beyond limitations in harmony with love. The Creator would truly be present within every moment of reality, within every form and experience. The entire Earth would vibrate in harmony with the Creator which would be such a beautiful sight and experience.

Allow yourself to return to simple and yet empowering perspectives which align with your soul. Let yourself accept, perceive and create perspectives which are simple and resonate with and as peace, love, grace and expansion. In truth, I, Mother Mary, invite you to let go of the complexity of your being and reality as this will allow you to gain focus in times of transformation and purifying of your being. More so I invite you to let go of the desire to understand the complexity of your being and reality through a process of experiencing and recognising the vibration of simplicity born from the Creator rising within your being to bring forth peace, healing, renewal and a deep experience of recalibration.

‘I accept the simplicity of the Creator to empower my soul and truth.’

You may notice yourself and many around you returning to simplicity; simple practices, simple thinking and seeking a life of simplicity in order to bring one’s focus on the truth emerging and emitting from within. Through your remembrance of your truth, soul and essence, which simply means your attention of your truth, soul and essence, you will discover yourself more fully, recognising your power, purpose and all you have to share with yourself and humanity. Know that as you perceive your spiritual evolution as becoming more complex, expansive and maybe even harder to understand what is really occurring is that you are moving into a space of simplicity if you choose to accept this perspective. As you evolve, life, your reality and the way you interact with yourself and others becomes simpler, easier and more rewarding. Let go of your perspectives of ascension being hard, great volumes of effort, unrewarding and complex. Recalibrate for yourself a new perceptive to support your alignment with the Creator of life and ascension being easy, fulfilling, rewarding and simple to experience and achieve. This simple shift in your perspective allows you to see, sense and acknowledge the fully grown spiritual adult soul within your being thus empowering yourself to experience all you wish.

The acceptance of simplicity is the process of recalibrating your perspectives.

In love, recalibration and simplicity,

Mother Mary


Channelled through Natalie Glasson 13th March 2015

Natalie anchors the Wisdom of the Light Community, which is a large and vast group of varied light beings who are devoted to assisting the Earth and its humanity. The Wisdom of the Light Community is ever expanding as Archangel Michael who oversees the community allows all to channel their wisdom and consciousness through Natalie. You may access and integrate the energy of the Wisdom of the Light Community to aid your spiritual advancement through meditation while holding the intention of experiencing their energy. It is the channellings from the Wisdom of the Light Community that Natalie shares through the Sacred School of Om Na.


Source Here


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