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Sacred Order of the Magdalene
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- Written by AndEl
In the days of old, many of you were in the Sacred Order of Magdalena. It was not a last name. It was a title. It was a crown. It was a knowing. It was held sacred in the Essene community where Christ walked among men.
In my time of living I endured much hate that was placed upon me because of my position and training. I endured arrows of poisons that came from the eyes of others. I endured angry words. I stood high in my Light and the sacred teachings of my order. I did not trip upon my path but kept a strong heart of love towards all that wished me harm.
I did not beg for mercy for I knew that I stood in a light so grand and so beautiful that nothing could make my world tumble, for I was a seer and already knew of events to come. I saw my light as solid, not as a red thread that blows in the winds of change. The mantle of light and secrety I wore was beyond bending or ever breaking for it was the very fabric of my soul.
Each day as you awaken to the grace of a god given day solidify the light that you are. Become the pillar of light you are and penetrate Earth and Heaven with a column of light. Then anchor and seal it with every prayer. It is this majestic light that you must daily solidify with your words and intent.
Life will often strip you naked of your divinity. It pecks upon your body as vultures that cannot wait for the kill. You allow life to delete you. When you allow life to suckle upon you, and steal your peace, you do all that is holy an injustice. All of life depends upon you holding the kingdom of the life and light as sacred and holy.
Women of the Light walk forward as a Holy Entourage, showing what cannot be dissolved or obstructed. Women of Earth -- no matter what color, creed, size or age -- stand up and set your light. Do not bend and cry and pray. For what you seek lives within you not on the outskirts of someone else.
Visualize the light as solidified, peace as solidified, love as solidified! See the weaving that the weavers of light create. See it as the very fabric of all that was once holy and has been forgotten. You have forgotten that you are the core of heaven on earth. You have forgotten to solidify the love that you are, the beauty that you, are the peace that you are. You have let everything enter your womb because you thought you were to shift it, to heal it, to change it. Does the mountain bend down to the sea for a drink? Nay it creates beautiful waterfalls to drink from. All that you seek lives within your realm of possibility. I am Mary Magdalene. Your connection has never ended nor can it. You have never been separated from what you are and what you are destined to do and be. Believe it and it is so.
As received by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
The Quantum Awakening has been Serving the Global Light Community since 1986. This newsletter is Spirit Driven and has been in circulation since 1986. It reaches a core group of millions of dedicated Planetary LightWorkers. One to one, light to Light, it births itself into completion from that point forward. This newsletter is lovingly crafted by Spirit. Any imperfections in spelling and grammar only enhance its beauty and uniqueness.
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