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Spirit of Black Panther


Spirit of Black Panther

Role: Prophet

Lesson: Reclaiming Power

Element: Fire/Water

Wind: West The Quest Within

Medicine: Shapeshifting

Keywords: Prophet. Reclaiming Power. Mystery. Energy Awareness. Lunar Magic. Penetrating. Stealth. Shapeshifting.

Shadows dripping in silver light cast from an elusive moon,
stir, then magically still,
leaving doubts adrift in the mind of the observer . . .
was there movement of shadow within shadow,
or only the illusion of such,
like breath caught on a summer breeze?

Sister of Artemis, and Guardian of the Gateway
between the Known and the Unknown,
you prowl the Night, bearing witness to the blackness
that exists before the dawning of morning Light.

Blazing eyes pierce the veil of darkness of Forgotten Realms,
to bring Consciousness to the Unconscious.
To follow your sleek and silent form as it glides
as a spectral mist through the night,
is to face the deepest fears that prowl the jungles of
the Human Mind.

When we learn to move as you move,
through those overgrown and tangled vines,
we come to understand that even in the darkest of journeys,
the Illuminating Rays of  faith and acknowledgment
will provide us with the Light to guide us safely
to the Other Side.

The Black Panther is not a separate species of big cat, it is rather a distinctive variation in coat coloring amongst Leopard, Jaguar and Puma (or Cougar/Florida Panther/Mountain Lion).  Therefore, there are several commonalties amongst all Black Panthers, and these will be delineated in keywords below, though it is also important to keep in mind that each of these species will also have characteristics separate and unique to them.  We will begin with the commonalties, and in weeks to come, delve into the differences between the three separate Black Panther types.


Mysticism surrounds the Black Panther, and for centuries two-leggeds have observed these graceful predators as they prowl the jungles of their domain and slip, black as midnight vapor, between tree limbs and vines.

Black Panther, with his penetrating yellow-green gaze, evokes the sense that he is capable of looking into the future, hence this beautiful cat is closely linked to Seers and Prophets.

For the two-legged who journeys beside Black Panther, this may either take the form of one who can literally see into the future, or this gift of insight is manifested as a keen insight into the reasoning, action and motive of Others.

Because these souls possess the gift to see to the motives of another, the "future" consequences of that individual`s motives and actions are clearly visible to the Panther individual, and they can appear almost prophetic when warning another of the ramifications that may befall should their current motives remain ulterior, selfish or evasive.

For those Black Panther souls who literally do "see the future," this can be quite a challenging aspect of their Earthwalk, for with this special gift also comes the responsibility of discerning when and how much of this knowledge is meant to be shared.  Equally, as the future is continuously being shaped by our present thoughts, decisions, and actions, the future is ever-changing and hence, any future seen or perceived is only one of many alternate future realities.  Yet more often than not, the visions of the future received are meant purely as guide posts and/or warnings, hence it is still down to the individual to create his/her own future.

Reclaiming Power

One look at the Black Panther and it is obvious that these Big Cats are a study in controlled strength and will.

With thickly corded muscles, long, sharp teeth and claws capable of shredding and ripping prey that may weigh up to 1200 pounds, these magnificent creatures embody the essence of Power.  All of this is contained within a frame that averages 7 to 8 feet in length (from tip of nose to tip of tail), and weighs in anywhere between 75 and 160 pounds (depending upon the species of Black Panther and whether it is male or female).

As Black Panther often pads beside one with great inner strength, there is often evidence of personal Power within the human counterpart.  The interesting thing with this particular keyword, and how it manifests for the two-legged who is blessed with this Totem, is in watching the unfolding of that Power, for it is a characteristic that is developed over many years.  This is partially attributed to the fact that such inherent personal power possesses equal potential for either great good, or great destruction.

In those who walk with Black Panther, personal charisma will be quite high and there will be the ability to influence the thoughts and actions of Others.  For this reason, this Totem carries a heavy responsibility, and may take several lifetimes to perfect.  Many dictators throughout history have had Black Panther as one of their Personal Totems, and misused the tremendous potential of these Spirit Animals.  Equally, many reformationists have also had this Totem walking beside them and reclaimed the True Power of Black Panther (Mahatma Ghandi is one such example).

This is not to suggest that these individuals should be meek and mild (for they have been gifted this great power and strength for a reason), yet it can be channeled and directed in such a manner to bring honesty and insight to others.  Yet if you do not wish to know the truth of what a Black Panther soul feels or believes, do not ask, for they will always "tell it like it is."

When the higher vibration of this personal magnetism has been attained and expressed through diligence, conscious decision not to misuse its brilliant gift and shared to benefit Others, then the Black Panther Soul truly shines as he/she inherits and reclaims their Power.

Energy Awareness

Everything about Black Panther has been geared toward a heightened awareness of his/her surroundings, and Nature has equipped this big cat well in the art and skill of survival.

With ears capable of capturing the smallest of movement, eyes that can penetrate through the dark blanket of night, and a powerful sense of smell, Black Panther is able to locate and track prey with a skill matched by few predators in the wild.

Yet there also seems to be an intuitive understanding of when the best time is to strike, as often these beautiful creatures will await just the perfect moment and seize the opportunity with a lethal pounce.

The two-legged with Black Panther as a companion spirit will have a heightened sense of awareness.  Sometimes this will manifest purely as a physical acuity and these individuals may possess an extraordinary sense of hearing, sight or smell.  If one of these senses are damaged, then another physical sense will compensate, and thus for one who may have sustained a hearing loss, their eyesight or sense of smell rapidly acclimates and counterbalances for just such a sensory "deficit."

Yet this heightened awareness may also manifest in the form of sensitivity to non-physical stimuli, or pure energy.

In Earth Medicine, we recognize that there is a Universal energy that flows through all things that dwell above, upon or within the Earth, a powerful Medicine that is the basic building block of all life, hence the term Earth Medicine.  Yet this energy source, though it flows through physical life, is spiritual energy and emits a powerful vibration that is felt keenly by some, including a large portion of Black Panther souls.

Again, this is an ability that, although present at the moment of entry onto the physical plane, takes years for the individual to nurture, hone and perfect.  Yet as the ability to tune into energy develops, the two-legged who has Black Panther as their companion spirit, will be able to sense the feelings, energies and intent of other individuals.  This heightened awareness is not only limited to those persons whom the Black Panther soul is in immediate physical proximity, they are also excellent at long distance energy sensing and can immediately "tune in" on the condition of one with whom they are communicating, regardless of any physical distance.

Because of this ability to read another`s energy so precisely, it is imperative that the soul beside whom Black Panther walks, governs this ability closely.  When operating from Personality Center, this ability can be used toward selfish ends or as a means of intimidating Others.  Yet it is when the Black Panther soul utilizes the ability to tune into and send energy from the center of Compassion and assistance to his/her fellow human, that this ability unfolds as it was intended, as gifted by the Divine.


There are some animals/birds/insects & finned ones that possess the Medicine of Shapeshifting, that is to say they have been granted the ability to shift their physical form from their original form, to that of a two-legged, to another creature and then back to their original form again.  These  creature beings are granted this inheritance from the Great Mystery from actions performed back when all tribes were ONE (tribes here meaning different species, e.g. humans, snakes, wolves, etc.), and is a Gift that must be given due respect and adherence else this Medicine will be taken from that creature being.  Hence all shapeshifters have a great responsibility attached to this particular Medicine.

The Black Panther is one such Shapeshifter, and the responsibility unique to these animal spirits, is that of piercing the veil of darkness that dwells in the heart and mind of an unintegrated Soul.  These creatures teach us that there is nothing in that darkness to be feared, for the Light of acknowledgment will disperse the blackness and illuminate the Way through the jungle of unresolved issues, pain and old "programming"

The early life experiences of one with whom Black Panther walks will never be "easy," as these souls will seem to attract and/or elicit strong reactions both within themselves and from "Others."  Early on this may tend to give the Panther soul a sense of isolation from their fellow two-leggeds as they struggle to find their own identity, for the way in which they view and approach life often attracts attention and leaves them feeling as a stranger in a strange land.

There is no doubt that these individuals will tend to engender either powerful, deep loyalties and great affection from those who know them, or there will be an equally strong aversion from Others that may result in verbal and/or physical attacks against the Black Panther Soul.  Perhaps part of the reason behind such ardent and dichotomous reactions lies within the inherent Power and Awareness of these individuals.

As long as the one beside whom Black Panther journeys, operates from integration and Higher Intent, and the individuals with whom Panther interacts are also functioning from self-acknowledgment and conscious awareness, Black Panther’s penetrating gaze and direct approach will not be felt as a threat or seen as intimidation. Yet for one who is operating from selfishness, evasion or deceit, the force of Panther soul`s insight may be seen as a direct threat and, if motivated thus by fear of what Black Panther soul has borne witness to, those individuals will often either completely disappear from sight, or they will attempt an all-out attack on the Panther individual.

Yet the reverse may also be true, and it may be the Black Panther soul that is abusing his/her Power and Awareness to manipulate, control or intimidate Others.  When this is the case (such as it often is when the Soul who has Black Panther for his/her Power Totem is still in the infant or young soul stage and has not had many journeys yet around the Sacred Hoop), these individuals can be very power motivated and may consciously use their tremendous insight to manipulate or intimidate Others.  Of course the karmic retribution for such actions is quite high, and thus this is a tendency that is eventually outgrown with subsequent reincarnations and journeys along the Red Road of Physical Life.

At some stage, it is imperative that Black Panther individual acknowledge their own Power (part of the process of reclaiming this gift), learn to discern when they may be tempted to "misuse" it for selfish or harmful ends, and conquer such baser tendencies that the full beauty of their gifts may be expressed.  This is the highest expression of Transformation, for as Black Panther soul fully embraces his/her lineage of Power, Awareness and

Prophecy and utilizes these Divine inheritances for the Good of All, he/she shapeshifts into the culmination of all that the Great Mystery had intended for that special, individual and Eternal Spark.


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