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Archangel Michael: Creating Your Pyramid Of Power In The Fifth Dimension


Beloved masters, it is time to stop pretending that you and your world are not changing moment by moment and thought by thought. It is time to stop denying that a New Age is upon you, and that with every thought and action you make a decision as to whether you will follow the Light or the shadow side of life. Do not project your thoughts into the future, and please allow the past to correct itself, for it will do so as you move higher into the fourth dimension, and all the negative thought forms of Earth's history are brought into balance.

Last month we spoke of using your cosmic resources. Allow us to give you further en-Lighten-ment as to how your thoughts and conscious intent affect the future. There are many parallel futures (or probable futures) for the planet Earth that have been created by the collective consciousness beliefs of humanity. You also have many parallel or probable futures that you have created for yourselves-some weak, some strong-and there is usually one that has the greatest possibility of manifesting because you have fed it the most energy. Anyone who makes predictions usually taps into the probable future that has the most dynamic energy. But due to your free will the future is malleable and can change in an instant.

We also explained how we harvest the energy of the collective consciousness of humanity each year, and after closely examining the "State of the Earth" a decision is made as to which parallel future we must focus on. Earth is still a free will planet, however there have been special dispensations made in order to assist you in the process of evolution and ascension. When you align your intent with Spirit by stating "Thy will be done," or by asking for the "Highest good of all," you give us permission to add your loving energy to that of the whole and it is magnified exponentially. This also means that many of the probable futures with less energy are further diminished or even dissolved, for there is no fuel to feed them. Does this help you to understand why you and the Earth are making such dynamic progress and are taking such great leaps in consciousness?

Many of you are beginning to realize that you do create your own world of reality, and are becoming quite proficient at manifesting what you desire. However, it is still somewhat a hit and miss proposition as you learn to perfect your skills as a master. You are still somewhat restricted by the energies of the third dimension as you tap into the higher frequencies of the fourth and occasionally the fifth dimension. Allow us to give you an example as to how most of you are accessing the different vibratory levels and creating with the energies available to you:

Imagine yourself on an elevator whereby you gain access to what we will call the "Cosmic Shopping Mall." The elevator stops at the mid-third-dimensional floor and you get off. Envision a huge room filled with everything you can imagine, but there is total disorganization and chaos. Most items are defective or incomplete and you must dig and sort through many levels, rooms and compartments in order to find something that you want or that is in good condition. There is a cacophony of sound, much discord and confusion as everyone on this floor scurries about trying to find what they wish to claim as their own. There is a sense of frustration and futility amongst the crowd as they scurry from place to place, and an aura of anxiety, impatience and fear permeates the room.

You get back on the elevator and it lifts you to the mid-fourth-dimensional level. As you get off, you notice that everything is much more organized here. There is still some confusion, but it is easier to get through to the areas where the treasures you are seeking are stored. In some places, the items are incomplete or what you might call "seconds," however as you learn to focus on what it is you desire, you are quickly led to the area where it is stored and you can easily access and claim your treasure. There seem to be many different levels here, and as you acquire the "keys of awareness" you are able to unlock the doors where even more precious treasures are stored.

Gradually, you gain access to many of the things for which you have dreamed and yearned. As long as your intent is pure and your vision is unwavering, you may claim the "stuff of your dreams" and bring it all back into the physical plane with you. After a time, you are allowed back on the elevator as it rises to the lower fifth-dimensional floor. You are amazed as you step from the elevator and your heart soars as you feast on the magnificent scene before you. Everything of beauty that you could ever imagine is here; it assaults all your senses and you know that this is where you want to remain.

However, you know that you cannot, for you are only here to fill your treasure chest of dreams to take back to Earth with you. Anything your heart desires is instantly manifested before your eyes. Everything on this floor is exquisite in its perfection-there are no mistakes or "seconds" here. You find that your desires quickly change and it is not so much "things" that you wish to manifest but qualities, virtues and attributes. Now that you know you may have anything your heart desires, creating and claiming "things" takes on a new meaning.

Does what we have described sound like a fairy tale to you, dear friends? We tell you it is not. It is exactly how you manifest and create in your world of expression. Sometimes you tap into a little of the higher-dimensional energy patterns and it seems like a miracle when your desires are fulfilled. And you wonder why sometimes "it" works and sometimes it doesn't. We will now give you a fail-proof way to access the fifth dimension and its treasures any time you wish.

We have spoken often of the "pyramid" and its power. We have assisted you in building a pyramid in the fifth dimension where you join with your soul family and other star travelers. Hopefully, you visit there often as you join together in loving intent-sending Love/Light and healing energy to the Earth and all humanity. We will now help you build your Pyramid of Power where you will go in your quiet time and sleep time to receive healing, nurturance, to create that which you desire and to also seek a "Divine Solution" for any situation or challenge that you may face.

Envision, however you perceive, a pyramid of Light and through your intent state that it will be manifested in the fifth dimension. There is a capstone on your pyramid and it contains a spiraling Rainbow Ray of Light which contains all the colors, virtues, and attributes of our Father/Mother God. As you move into the interior of your pyramid, look around: the walls and floor radiate an inner Light, and there are twelve crystal chairs in a circle (you may wish to add more from time to time). There is a crystal table in the center and when you lie on it, it conforms perfectly to your body. There is a magnificent clear quartz crystal hanging over the center of the table. The crystal is faceted at both ends and the upper portion penetrates the capstone of the pyramid. This is the basic structure of your pyramid, however, we suggest that you add your own personal touches as you visit your sacred temple and make it your own.

We will give you several examples of how you may most effectively use your pyramid. Let us say that you have a situation of conflict with someone in your life. In a meditative state, go into your sacred pyramid; be seated in one of the crystal chairs and envision the other person sitting across the room from you with the crystal table in the center. Ask the Higher Self of the person to join you and you may wish to have a dialog with this person, but please, place your ego in the passive mode and speak from the heart with your soul as the director. Objectively state your case and then place the situation on the crystal table and ask for a "Divine Solution" and the highest outcome that serves you both. Envision the Violet Flame of transmutation blazing up from beneath the table surrounding the situation as it balances and harmonizes the energies within the thought form/situation.

Now, see the great crystal hanging over the crystal table begin to glow and streams of golden Light flow forth (they will look something like your strikes of lightening that you see in the skies during a thunder storm). First, these streams of "Lightening" will focus on the crystal table and the situation, then they will spread out to each of you as they eventually fill the room. You will have tapped into the energy of the "Divine Source" and you, the other person and the situation will be "charged" with the cosmic life force of Creation. Then, you must relinquish the outcome to the wisdom of Spirit. You must switch to "auto pilot," you might say, whereby you cannot know where you are going or what the exact outcome will be, but trusting that it will be of the highest order.

If you wish to focus on your physical vessel, an illness, or an imbalanced situation, place yourself on the crystal table. State your desire, which may be specific or just a general "tune-up," you might say. Ask your Higher Self or I AM Presence to be your cosmic facilitator and oversee the process as the Violet Flame blazes up and surrounds you and then the beams of Lightening are activated. This will greatly enhance and speed up the process of releasing any residual impacted negative energies within the physical structure and building your vessel of Light. You will find that you will not be allowed to place anyone else on your crystal table without their permission or in special cases with the permission of their Higher Self.

Spend time within your Pyramid of Power when you have a decision to make, and to solidify and energize your visions and aspirations. Here you may use the Universal Laws of Manifestation in their most dynamic form as you become proficient as a master of cocreation. Spend time clarifying your vision of the future in all areas: spiritual, mental, emotional and physical. We have given guidelines for manifesting your desires before, now we ask you to apply them within your pyramid of power and watch as the miracles unfold.

If there is a group situation, say within the family or the workplace, see everyone involved seated in the crystal chairs and place the situation in the center. Ask each person's Higher Self to stand behind them, overseeing the process. Again, place the situation on the crystal table, envisioning and asking for the highest outcome for all. Ask for the "Divine Solution" and then spend as much time as necessary focused on the energy of the situation as you see the Violet Flame magically naturalize it, and the Lightening of Spirit transform it into its highest form.

At times you may wish to be in your Pyramid of Power by yourself, and at other times you may expand it to any size you wish as you bring in great numbers of people and situations, both large and small, that need to be transmuted into the highest form of expression. By accessing your fifth-dimensional Pyramid of Power, you are bypassing the negative, distorted energies of the third dimension, and the conflicting, ambiguous energies of the fourth dimension. It is time you regain the ability to function within the rarified planes of Light where only perfection is possible.

Beloved friends, you are becoming multidimensional Beings of Light as you integrate your Soul Self and gradually become transpersonal. Many of you have integrated your Solar Self, your Galactic Self and are well on your way to accessing your Source Self. That is what ascension is all about, beloveds-reclaiming the many wondrous facets of Self that you left along the way on your descent into the dreamland called Earth. We know how truly magnificent you are and we see your awesome potential. Step into our world, dear hearts; we are waiting to greet you.

I AM Archangel Michael.


REPOST from 2001 channelling

Message from Archangel Michael
Transmitted Through Ronna Herman, LM-03-2001

Transmitted through Ronna Herman * Copy freely and share. However, I claim the universal copyright for this article in the name of Archangel Michael. WE OFFER ARCHANGEL MICHAEL’S MESSAGES ON OUR WEBSITE AS A GIFT; HOWEVER, WE DO APPRECIATE YOUR DONATIONS TO HELP DEFRAY OPERATING EXPENSES AND POSTAGE FEES FOR THE FREE LOVE PACKETS WE SEND AROUND THE WORLD. STAR * QUEST * 775-856-3654 * www.RonnaStar.com http://www.RonnaStar.commailto: * www.QuestForMastery.com * www.AskArchangelMichael.com

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